
It's too early

I know for most of you it is not too early. However, we don't normally wake up until 9:30 ish in this house. Stupid Ikea order is making up wake up at too gosh darn early. At least I am getting something tasty for breakfast. What is everyone else up to this morning?
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Re: It's too early

  • I'm "working" until noonish.  Then I'm going home to either lay on the couch OR do laundry & finish painting the kitchen cabinets.  It will be a close call on that. 

    Also, what was your yummy breakfast?  All I got was a cranberry orange scone, which is delicious but has no ham or bacon. 

  • We are getting french toast sticks and cinnamon rolls. Healthy right? However, it's our treat for being up at 6:30 for the delivery guys. They aren't even here yet either.
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