Got a positive result from bloodwork for Down Syndrome. Dr stated that its b/c of my age (36) and that I will have to wait for the final confirmation when I go in for an ultrasound, possibly amnio. Did this happen to any of you yet? If so, please tell me that your ultrasound confirmed that the test was false/positive and your baby does not have any abnormalities.
Re: positive Quad screening (AFP)
Karen - 36 DH - 39
What was it like to get an amnio? I fear having to do that, it makes me uneasy and nervous....
I wasn't AMA when it happened (was 34), but I popped the blood portion of the Quad Screening with my sons pregnancy. 1:10 chance for Downs
. Turns out we were part of the 90% in that scenario that DON'T have it. His amnio came out perfect.
During my sons pregnancy I was a part of a group blog, so I'll just give you the link to that particular post. It goes over the amnio and associated u/s:
The u/s they looked for every Downs marker I've ever heard of systematically (head to toes, literally). He didn't have a single marker BUT they said only 50% of Downs babies present with markers on u/s. With odds as crappy as what I got, we felt we needed a definitive yes or no so that we'd know how to prepare for LOs arrival, so we chose the amnio. Totally personal decision to get/not get one, one that you never know what way you'll go until you face the situation (I'd always said I'd not chance it).
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
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~All AL'ers welcome~
BFP #2 - 7/1/12 - Met my lucky charm Alexandra on 3-16-13!!!
I'm SO afraid of needles and that one is HUGE. However, surprisingly enough, I didn't think it hurt.