DS got something in his eye this morning and I had to flush it. He was so panicked at first it really hurts, I know and wouldn't stop clawing at his eye and trashing.
I yelled at him to let me look and actually felt annoyed that he wasn't letting me look and was going to scratch his eye and really hurt himself.
And then I had to make the poor kid think I was drowning him by shoving his head under the water to flush.
WTF. I suck. I actually felt annoyed with him in the midst of his panic. I was comforting as soon as I started flushing, but why the eff do I react to fear with annoyance? My poor baby boy. He was hurt and thought I was mad.
We talked after and I told him I was sorry and that I would always help and that I was scared and not mad. But my poor, poor boy. Between this and letting him choke yesterday I am pretty sure I suck as a mom.
Re: WTF self
You don't suck. You panicked, and emotions took over. It happens, I promise.
Absolutely this. You don't suck.
I really don't know why in a knee jerk reaction to panic; we think raising our voice is the key to calming the situation. You're not alone in this reaction.
Eyes are serious business and any kind of injury would be bad and you want to fix it asap. When they're flailing around, it's hard to help them...sure, you're going to get annoyed. BUT you did the right thing, you talked to him about it afterward. So no, you don't suck.
Eyes really freak me out. Like, a lot. I have treated some really nasty eye wounds in horses and anytime anyone gets something in their eye, I see those wounds.