Amazon has all the Joss Whedon box sets as their deal of the day (probably ending in a couple hours). If you don't already have his series on DVD, now would be a good time.
Amazon has all the Joss Whedon box sets as their deal of the day (probably ending in a couple hours). If you don't already have his series on DVD, now would be a good time.
Re: PSA to Joss Whedon Fans
Pfffffft no Toy Story on that list!
It is on for $15 though.
The only thing we don't own of that is the original BTVS.
:hangs head:
We gotsalotta Joss. Y no Avengers? Y no Cabin in the Woods? Y no Toy Story, Roseanne, or Alien Resurrection? U fail, Amazon. U no know Joss Catalogs.
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