I'm still unsure if I'm doing a VBAC pr RCS but I was wondering for those that did have a RCS how was recovery with a toddler at home? I will have help but not around the clock help.
My first c-section was planned b/c DD was breech and it was easy and recovery wasn't bad but I'm wondering if I will survive on my own here and there or is that impossible during recovery
Re: RCS with 2 yr old at home
DD1 was 23 months old when we brought DD2 home. I had 2 weeks of help (DH took off the first week to be home and my mom came to stay with us for the second week) but after that I was on my own.
It really wasn't that bad. DD2 was a great baby and only nursed, pooped and slept. She didn't give me much trouble.
The main thing to remember is your new baby isn't going to remember anything. S/he'll be fine if your DD1 needs 5 more minutes of attention. I avoided the "I can't do X right now, because the new baby needs me" stuff. I made sure I wasn't holding/fussing over the new baby 24/7 and always made a point to do something alone with DD1 at least once per day, while DD2 was napping.
Both of my c/s recoveries were a breeze, but I did take advantage of feeling good and overdo it a bit at 2w pp with DD2 and ended up in a lot of pain. Listen to your body and stop when you need to stop. Since you have to care for your toddler and a newborn, the dishes or laundry can wait an extra day.
DD#1 will be 3 in December. I came home last Saturday from my RCS. Both of my C-sections were pretty easy when it came to recovery. This time I took my pain meds a little longer than last time. I think that is due to the fact that I was much more mobile than last time since I have a toddler. DD#1 has been really great to her little sister, but she has been down right defiant to me. I knew this would be a tough adjustment for her though. Each day gets a little better and each day I learn how to give her the attention she needs without giving in to all rules and letting her just run wild.
Luckily I have an awesome DH and he has really stepped in with her to give her the attention that I just can't give her right now. If he is just running to the gas station he will take her with him. He randomly comes up with fun stuff for her to do. Like Saturday he raked all the leaves into a big pile so she could jump in them. Last night he walked in the door from work and she asked to go to the park. He didn't even hesitate and said sure lets go.
Day by day we learn how to be a family of 4!
My 2nd c-section I had an 18 month old at home.
My 3rd c-section I had a 19 month old and a just turned 3YO at home.
My 4th c-section (about 6 weeks ago), I had a 6YO, 5YO and 3YO at home.
My DH is only able to take 2 weeks off (1 week when I'm in the hospital and 1 week I'm at home). After that, I'm on my own.
It hasn't been bad. I make sure to prep ahead of time for everything. This is key because I'm EBF and need to be out the door at a specific time.
You'll find your groove. Just make sure your older one is entertained and taken care of before you change/burp/feed the baby.
I am just about a month out and am still not lifting my daughter, but I had other complications during surgery. However, I really recommend having someone who can entertain/help you out with your toddler. Regardless of recovery, you are going to want time with your new LO an having someone to put a lot of attention on your toddler has been super helpful.
Good luck!