I went to Target yesterday & was browsing the kids clothes right next to the dollar spot section. Well there was a woman in the dollar spot with a toddler. This little girl was having a major meltdown, I mean really major meltdown- on the floor screaming, crying, kicking, being a "noodle" every time the mom tried to get her off the floor, and then it turned to spitting. You could tell the poor woman was at her wits end, and she ended up scooping her up & leaving. I almost walked over to hug her & let her know I felt her pain. Toddlers can be so challenging!
Re: I wanted to hug a woman at Target
I saw this happen to a lady at the grocery store a few weeks ago. She had a baby with her as well. I wanted to go over and help her so bad. I was near tears for her.
LOL- I was trying to be nice
Seriously, what's even better is when you try to sit them in the cart, and all of the sudden their legs don't bend
DD screams like I am hurting her when I try to put her in the cart. She hates it! I let her walk most of the time....takes forever.
The truth of this made me laugh.