
I wanted to hug a woman at Target

I went to Target yesterday & was browsing the kids clothes right next to the dollar spot section. Well there was a woman in the dollar spot with a toddler. This little girl was having a major meltdown, I mean really major meltdown- on the floor screaming, crying, kicking, being a "noodle" every time the mom tried to get her off the floor, and then it turned to spitting. You could tell the poor woman was at her wits end, and she ended up scooping her up & leaving. I almost walked over to hug her & let her know I felt her pain. Toddlers can be so challenging!

Re: I wanted to hug a woman at Target

  • Sad  Poor woman.  Sometimes there's really nothing you can do but leave and wait it out. It's so demoralizing. 
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  • I am not looking forward to those days.  But good for her for scooping her up and walking out!
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  • I have been that woman many times.  My kid hates Target.  I don't get it.  The only time she somewhat behaved herself there was shortly after she found the shoe size mat in the shoe department.  She saw the numbers and started counting, except she counted like this "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 9, ..." and then repeated "6 and 9" (which sounded like sixty-nine the way she was saying it) over and over as loud as she could through the rest of the store.  ::cue red faced mom here::
    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • I saw this happen to a lady at the grocery store a few weeks ago. She had a baby with her as well. I wanted to go over and help her so bad. I was near tears for her.


    TTC#2 since December 2010. HSG and bloodwork all good. SA results not so good. Unmedicated IUI#1 6/19/2012 - BFN
  • imagePfft:

    I went to Target yesterday & was browsing the kids clothes right next to the dollar spot section. Well there was a woman in the dollar spot with a toddler. This little girl was having a major meltdown, I mean really major meltdown- on the floor screaming, crying, kicking, being a "noodle" every time the mom tried to get her off the floor, and then it turned to spitting. You could tell the poor woman was at her wits end, and she ended up scooping her up & leaving. I almost walked over to hug her & let her know I felt her pain. Toddlers can be such assssholes!


    LOL- I was trying to be nice

  • imageEllaHella:

    The noodle is the worst. 

    I've been tempted to leave my child at Target.  Or let the squirrels raise him.

    Seriously, what's even better is when you try to sit them in the cart, and all of the sudden their legs don't bend

  • OMG!  Poor lady.  Oliver has become so hard to deal with at the store lately.  He wants to walk every.single.time.  As you ladies know that is impossible to do with a 2 year old.  The other day I had to force him into the cart and then he cried for about the first ten minutes of our shopping.  It was grand!
     Lilypie - (gu1R)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

  • I try to avoid taking him in public at all right now- it's too much of a headache...
  • imageLibby1978:
    OMG!  Poor lady.  Oliver has become so hard to deal with at the store lately.  He wants to walk every.single.time.  As you ladies know that is impossible to do with a 2 year old.  The other day I had to force him into the cart and then he cried for about the first ten minutes of our shopping.  It was grand!

    DD screams like I am hurting her when I try to put her in the cart. She hates it! I let her walk most of the time....takes forever.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • My sister said that with her 2 older kids, age 3 was worse than 2- I may have to give him away until he's what, maybe 5?
  • They also make us look like liars. My kid can do something new all day long to the point where it's not cute anymore, but the second his father gets home, do you think he does it again? NNNNNOOOOO
  • imageandyyougoonie:
    I have been that woman many times.  My kid hates Target.  I don't get it.  The only time she somewhat behaved herself there was shortly after she found the shoe size mat in the shoe department.  She saw the numbers and started counting, except she counted like this "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 9, ..." and then repeated "6 and 9" (which sounded like sixty-nine the way she was saying it) over and over as loud as she could through the rest of the store.  ::cue red faced mom here::


  • I wish I could find a way to be socially appropriate and let other moms know you feel their pain.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I was actually one of "those" parents who grabbed a toy car off the shelf, opened and gave it to him just to get him to stop screaming, I was very embarrassed to hand the clerk the empty box so I could pay for it,  but a mom has to do what a mom has to do! 
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  • imageiheartsippycups:

    The noodle is the worst. 

    I've been tempted to leave my child at Target.  Or let the squirrels raise him.

    Seriously, what's even better is when you try to sit them in the cart, and all of the sudden their legs don't bend

    The truth of this made me laugh.

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