We are having some serious pail stink issues. We usually leave the lid on and when it opens it smells like a porta-potty in the middle of the summer. We have tried leaving the lid off for the last two weeks and now his room smells like a porta-potty. We go 2 days between washing...am I going to have to bump it up to every day? We have tried separating the diapers we spray into a separate wet bag...it didn't make a difference. I stripped all of my synthetics three weeks ago but have not seen a difference. The only thing we have changed in our wash routine is adding bac-out to our prewash but I can't see how that would cause this problem. What gives? Any ideas?
Re: Pail Stink Issues
Thanks for the tip. I may just try that.
We must have great taste in names ;-) I love the name Micah also but I have a close friend named Micah (who is female...I know, right?) so that name is out for us.
Oooo I didn't even think of that! Thanks for the tip!
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
I totally get the logic behind this, but it really didn't help us. When we left the lid off his whole room stunk. You could smell it from the living room :-/ We tried it for about a week before my husband was like "Really....we HAVE to put that lid back on". I like having the lid off better. It is easier to just toss the diaper in.