I find it very hard and confusing to shop for toys.for xmas. What I mean is why would I Buy the same toys for each if they can share ,.and then I say what if both of them likes this one particular toy ...then ill wish I brought two of the same toy smh lol...Twins !!!
Re: Twins Xmas
I buy doubles of small things, singles of larger items. ie. 2 baby dolls, but one little people zoo. This year the girls are getting a doll house, so I'm making sure there's enough people to go around. But we're only doing 1 house, 1 car for it, and 1 of whatever furniture we get. but I bought 2 my little ponies and 2 disney princess dolls.
So basically if it's a shareable toy they get one... but if it's something small that I KNOW when one picks up the other will want it... we get two.
Yes that does makes it alot easier
Yes that does makes it alot easier! A doll house is wonderful. And a lil girl dream. How old are they. My girls are 13months and I would love to get them a doll house even tho they will have to grow into it.
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
Our girls turned 2 in August. We're doing the Fisher Price Loving Family house.
We were given the little people doll house last year and they LOVE it. So I'd probably suggest it for them since they're just over 1. I know they have a princess castle one out this year. That way you don't have to worry about the little pieces. The girls got a very inexpensive doll house last year from toys r us, it had a million little pieces that got put away so it was just bare rooms and people. They never touched it other than to move it out of their way and I got tired of stepping on or over it and it was given away. We currently have the little people house, zoo, bus, fire truck, and plane. ( the bus and fire truck were DS's) and that gives them their own little people village and they both have lots to play with which keeps fights to a minimum.
This is how my mom did it for my sister and me, and we're not even twins (2.5 years apart), and it worked out pretty nicely for us!
Lost our first little peanut on 1/17/2012 at 9 weeks and 5 days. We miss you little blessing, but we know you were too perfect for this world.
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