Thanks for the response and info to my original post. Here's a little more detailed info:
On Monday baby a's cord flow was very restricted and since she is measuring a week smaller than baby boy, there was heightened concern. The doctors were even discussing a possible emergency c section if the numbers continued to be as bad (they were around 12 or 14, whereas they are supposed to be about 3.0)
Fortunately after bedrest, steroids and multiple heart monitoring throughout the night, everything looks much better. I will be getting monitored in Boston by high risk doctors from here on out but will continue to see my OB close to home. I feel good about the plan moving forward especially since everything with the babies structurally is very healthy. I am trying not to be overly paranoid but now of course every little ache and pain has me panicking. Very anxious for both Friday and Monday's ultrasounds, but just praying that everything is good and they can continue baking.
Re: XP: Update from hospital stay
Good luck moving forward. Hope she catches up to her brother soon!
I have heard that since you got the shots early that you might get them again if you deliver around 34-36 weeks but it sounds like it depends on the doc.