
When did you stop using My Brest Friend?

It seems like now that DS is 11 weeks and 14 lbs that it's easier to put him in a sitting position in my lap and turn his upper body sideways a little to nurse. When did you stop using your My Brest Friend?
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Re: When did you stop using My Brest Friend?

  • I found it easier to quit using pillows after my C-section started to heal and I was out of the hospital (around 5 days). 
    DS1 : 10/2012
    Due with B/G Twins July 2015
  • I still use my Boppy. I love it.
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  • I use a Boppy.  DD is 12 weeks (~14 lbs).  I can nurse without it as you described, but I still prefer to use it about 90% of the time. When she was 8-9 weeks we flew and I took it on the plane as PP mentioned.  Recently I've gone to 2 friends homes and nurse without it, using my crossed leg to prop her up a little.

    My Journey to Motherhood
    Me 36, DH 42
    7.5 years of TTC ... It never gets any easier.

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    TTC Since January 2009
    Reproductive Endocrinologist diagnosed us "Unexplained Infertility".
    After 3 years . . . 3 IUIs . . . and 3 IVFs . . . our miracle GIRL arrived on August 6, 2012.

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    Baby Girl # 2
    TTC Since June 2013
    Got pregnant on our own without Fertility Treatments - January 2016!  Thank you snow storm Jonas!
    EDD 10/15/16
    At 20-week anatomy scan found IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction), and very low Amniotic Fluid.  Now, I'm High Risk and have weekly ultrasounds to monitor fluid and growth.  If baby runs out of room or is too growth restricted, they will deliver ASAP.  My current goal is to make it to 28 weeks!   

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  • DH is almost 11 weeks as well and I stopped using My Brest Friend around 8 or 9 weeks in. The sitting position is so much easier! Loved the Brest Friend though - worked much better for me than the Boppy (back support, stable shelving for positioning DH).
  • I still use MBF with every session at home.  I really don't enjoy an unsupported latch.  I use my boppy only if I'm washing the cover of MBF because it sucks for BFing IMO.  I have a friend who used her MBF for 20 months while BFing.  Use it as long as you think it is helping you.
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  • Still using it when I nurse at home. I'm perfectly capable of nursing without it, it's just so comfortable and easy that I always use it when I can.

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