Hello! I know we had a TTC check-in a few weeks ago. I would be happy to post one on Tuesdays.
What month/cycle is this?
Any challenges so far?
Anything new you are trying this month?
How often would like this check-in: weekly, every other week, once a month?
Anything else you would like to share?
Re: TTC Check-In
Any challenges so far? Still bf'ing 2x a day. I have gotten my cycle back, but not sure how consistent it is yet.
Anything new you are trying this month? We are in the 2WW. Should know by the end of the week. Will try to do the deed more often next cycle.
How often would like this check-in: weekly, every other week, once a month? Either weekly or every other.
My Blog- Life With a Toddler
BFP#2 12/2/12 EDD 8/26/13; No heartbeat at 6w6d on 1/4/13; D&C 1/5/13
My Ovulation Chart
PgAL/PAL Always Welcome
1st month of really trying!
Had my annual gyno app. Last week and she referred me back to infertility. Fingers crossed we have no blockages this time around. My first app. With our infertility doc is Friday!
Not trying anything different so far
Every week would be fun. Hopefully it will give the board some action!
Our World!!
Blaine Emerson Bailey Rae
3-31-14 6-10-11
What month/cycle is this? This is month 4 of trying with OPK's
Any challenges so far? Just the feeling of hopelessness
Anything new you are trying this month? Nope same old same old
How often would like this check-in: weekly, every other week, once a month? Anything else you would like to share? weekly or every other I think once a month would be to hard to keep track of.
Still BF here but AF has been regular since 6w pp, I'm normally a 24 day cycle but AF has still not showed her ugly face and its now day 26. I'm sure she will show just in time for Halloween.
My Blog- Life With a Toddler
BFP#2 12/2/12 EDD 8/26/13; No heartbeat at 6w6d on 1/4/13; D&C 1/5/13
My Ovulation Chart
PgAL/PAL Always Welcome
My Blog- Life With a Toddler
BFP#2 12/2/12 EDD 8/26/13; No heartbeat at 6w6d on 1/4/13; D&C 1/5/13
My Ovulation Chart
PgAL/PAL Always Welcome
What month/cycle is this? Not sure what it's considered. 1st since miscarriage, started TTC in May.
Any challenges so far? Still recovering emotionally. Fortunately AF arrived 3.5 weeks post D&E so we are cleared to TTC again.
Anything new you are trying this month? Nope. Will probably start charting after holidays. DH doesn't want to prevent but it scared of another miscarriage so doesn't want to say we are TTC
How often would like this check-in: weekly, every other week, once a month? weekly
Thank you!! I hope this means we are getting all the sickness over with early and will be healthy from here out
What month/cycle is this? Cycle 5 - in the 2ww now.
Any challenges so far? M/c in July
Anything new you are trying this month? Not really.
How often would like this check-in: weekly, every other week, once a month? weekly or every other week
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This