
Will undersupply correct itself by nursing more frequently?

For mobile users: LO is 19 days old. 

LO had jaundice issues the first 10 days or so. I always had to wake him to nurse, and he'd typically only nurse 10-15 minutes. It was a struggle to feed him. Finally around 10 days he started being hungry ALL THE TIME. We have been nursing 30 minutes every 2 hours or so and sometimes cluster feeds for a few hours before bed time. He is definitely emptying the breast (I try to pump to check after feeds and they are fully empty).

I saw a LC yesterday for a weighed feeding, and he's only getting 2 ounces per feeding. She said that's low and should be more like 2.5 ounces. Is my supply permanently low or is there a chance this will get fixed over the coming weeks by nursing more frequently? I had insane over supply the first few days of his life, but I'm worried with him not eating as much as he should have been my supply is permanently low now.  

DS1 : 10/2012
Due with B/G Twins July 2015

Re: Will undersupply correct itself by nursing more frequently?

  • Your supply is not yet established, so it can definitely change easily right now.  Definitely nurse, nurse, nurse.  For a little boost, you can try eating oatmeal every day, or adding in some mother's milk tea.  At this point I wouldn't commit to fenugreek yet if you have a history of oversupply, I'd try some easier things first.  Also make sure you are hydrating very well, and eating enough calories.  However, if LO is eating every 2 hours, and getting 2 oz. per feeding, that's still 24 oz per day, which is an adequate amount.  So I would not really worry too much.  GL.

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  • 2 oz is totally fine. If he's eating about 12 times a day, that's 24 oz in a 24 hr period, which is right on average. If he's peeing/pooping enough and gaining at least .5 oz/day, your supply is fine. Your supply is not yet really established. The first 6 wks are crucial in establishing your supply. Just contine to nurse on demand and you'll be fine.
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  • Thanks for the reassurance, the LC had me totally freaked out! In the past week, he has gained 1 ounce per day and has 10-12 BM diapers (and countless wet ones). She tried telling me that he was somehow burning more calories by sucking so much than he was taking in and that my undersupply was the equivalent of putting him on a treadmill ? I guess I will assume since he is gaining fine and pooping plenty that all is OK ! 
    DS1 : 10/2012
    Due with B/G Twins July 2015
  • imagespeer06:

    Thanks for the reassurance, the LC had me totally freaked out! In the past week, he has gained 1 ounce per day and has 10-12 BM diapers (and countless wet ones). She tried telling me that he was somehow burning more calories by sucking so much than he was taking in and that my undersupply was the equivalent of putting him on a treadmill ? I guess I will assume since he is gaining fine and pooping plenty that all is OK ! 

     My daughter was incredibly jaundice as well and it was a real chore to get her to eat.  She did the same thing that your little one is doing right now.  So far, we haven't had any issues with supply and she's almost 5 months old.

    Did the weight gain/eating correct itself and become more normal eventually? He's on target to be back at his birth weight at 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks and like I said, he's eating all the time! I know we are in a "growth spurt", but he's been eating like this for a week now. Do things normalize eventually ?  

    DS1 : 10/2012
    Due with B/G Twins July 2015
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