
supply is going down, help!

i EP, so i've been pumping every 2 hours/every time LO eats. how long will it take to get my supply up? i only make 2 oz all together! :( shouldn't i be making around 4 oz all together? any advice would be great, TIA!
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Re: supply is going down, help!

  • imagetheresat858:

    An ounce per hour is average, so if you are getting 2 ounces every 2 hours around the clock (or slightly more if you go longer at night), you are on track.  Since you are trying to EP, it can be harder to establish a supply.  How long are you pumping for? Try adding 5min and see if you get another let down.  Try breast compressions while pumping as well.  

    I would also try one power pump a day for a week - 20min on, 10 off, 10on, 10 off, 10 on. This mimics cluster feeding and helps signal your body to make more milk. 

    Oatmeal, mothers milk tea, plenty of water and food including healthy fats, etc can also aid supply. And a 4 hr stretch of sleep at least once a night if at all possible. 

    All of this. Sounds like your supply is fine!

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