well DH met with his urologist today and not only did we find out that he is an XYY male (which has no bearing on his fertility) we found out that his sperm count is only 700,000. It's definitely a lot to process. Sheesh. Thankfully a gal at my work recommended a doctor (she has 3 beautiful children thanks to him). Don't know how you all remain sane in this process.
Me 35. DH 35. Start TTC 06/12. DH
Re: Looks like IVF for us...
My Ovulation Chart
Have you met with your RE yet? Perhaps S/he will have other options for you to try before IVF?
And if they don't, well, there are a lot of lovely ladies who spent beacoup bucks on medicated cycles, IUIs, and other things only to finally have success with IVF, so perhaps it's best you find this out now? Move right to the big guns?
EIther way, I'm really sorry it's not just "happening" like it's "supposed to."
Thinking about treatments, expenses, and "exactly how much do we really want kids?" is not how I envisioned starting a family with the love of my life. But, I'm so grateful that I have information, options, and choices available to me. It may not keep me sane 100% of the time, but it helps.
I hope meeting with your RE--whether or not you pursue IVF--can help you find some sanity. Let us know how it goes!
Best wishes.
AMA & SAIF. TTC #1 since Oct. 2010. DX: Unexplained. BFP on break after 32 months trying and 2 med cycles. Baby girl born at 40w0d!