
Lots of milk below nipples when pumping?

I'm pretty sure I'm not putting the shields on properly while pumping, but it seems once I take them off there's a bunch of milk slathered on below my nipple. This seems like such a waste to me as that could be milk I could be saving. Do I need to move the shield upward or get a smaller shield? TIA!
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Re: Lots of milk below nipples when pumping?

  • Just lean forward during pumping and when you remove the flanges.
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  • imageacbfreire:
    Just lean forward during pumping and when you remove the flanges.

    This exactly!
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  • Good question!  I've notice this too!  I wear a very tight pumping bra, and I noticed when I'm done and I take it off, it is a little damp below the nipple and my breast is also a lttile damp below the nipple.  I'm not sure how much milk I'm loosing, but any milk lost is bad IMO, and of course a little messy!

    Since my bra is very tight I doubt that is the problem.  Maybe it leaks out when I'm taking everything off.  I'll try as others suggested and lean forward.

    BTW - I have the Ameda Purly Yours Ultra Pump and the Medeal Hands Free Pumping Bra.

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  • I put some lanolin cream on my nips before pumping and that creates a better seal. Plus you need to lean forward like others said
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