How did you know?
I read on a website that when you get pregnant while breastfeeding, your nipples become sore. I've been having really sore nipples for a week or so now.
My nipple pain was getting better and she doesn't have a problem with her latch so I'm just curious if this could be the reason? I'm looking at other possibilities too.
Thanks in advance!
Re: For those of you that got pregnant while still breastfeeding...
My supply tanked. I was still pumping at work twice daily and was barely getting 2oz at each session. I had one PP AF and when it didn't show up the 5 weeks later I POAS.
4 Clomid cycles BFN's,3 injectible cycles BFN, 3 failed IUI's
Hystroscopy to remove cysts 11/2010
IVF #1 with ICSI Graydon Dane born Oct. 23, 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks.
Surprise BFP 10/9/12. Blighted ovum at 8wks. D&C 11/1/12.
Surprise BFP#2 TWINS!!! Boy/Girl twins.
My supply had been low so I tried the pineapple juice method. It has helped. And I had one PP AF too, so I guess I'll just wait and see it comes again.
Thanks for replying!
My supply has also decreased, but we are slowly weening so it wasn't a huge deal.
I knew because of the walls of exhaustion that would hit me and the crazy dreams I am having even during short naps.
No problems with my nipples.
my nipples got sore and she was nursing longer and more often. I had no issues with supply and at her age she was normally done in 10 min (both sides total).
I remember I was eating a ton and on a whim took a test....I was almost 3 months pg when I found out (after hometest went in for ultrasound).
I never had AF and was on the mini pill.
Have you tried oatmeal to increase your supply?
I did try the oatmeal but I didn't find it helped as much as the pineapple juice.
Thanks everyone for the responses, I'm gonna wait and see if AF comes in a few days, if not I'll try a home test.
Not pregnant while BF'ing but started experiencing a LOT of tenderness adn supply loss when AF returned while BF'ing.
Time to POAS to put your mind at ease.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
This!! I am a little tender if she dream nurses too long though! Also I have major hip pain when pregnant (even the early weeks!!) so that made me test!!
This!! I am a little tender if she dream nurses too long though! Also I have major hip pain when pregnant (even the early weeks!!) so that made me test!!
Our Family Blog Weightloss Blog
BFP#1 5.27.10 DS became an angel at 21 weeks on 9.22.10
BFP#2 4.16.11 Healthy baby girl born 12.14.11
BFP#3 9.3.12 A healthy, bouncing baby SISTER on the way! EDD 5.12.13
I actually had RLP (and yeah, turned out I was only 4 1/2 weeks along, but it was unmistakable!). That coupled with the fact that I was not using BC, having sex with my H, and had had a pp period led me to believe I might be pregnant. And I was/am!
I knew when I POAS
but I had my first suspicion when DD2 suddenly self weaned, as I had read before that pregnancy can change the taste of breast milk and some babies don't like the change in taste.
With DD1, I got my first pp period a little after 11 months. DD2's first birthday came and went with no sign of AF. When she suddenly self-weaned 2 weeks later, I started getting suspicious. I decided to wait until she was 13 months to test and lo and behold, the test came back positive. Based on my dating ultra sound, I would have been a little over 3 weeks pregnant when DD2 self-weaned, so I guess my milk-changed-taste theory could hold true.