Y'all, that was hard. I thought we'd get there and she'd be all wide eyed wonderment and excitement. LOL! NOPE!
Day 1 at Hollywood Studios was the worst. My expectations were just too high and she had no idea what to expect, so she was just kinda freaked out by everything. Day 2 at Magic Kingdom was the best day. We got her to bed early the night before so she got a nice full night's sleep and was ready to go meet Pooh bright and early the next morning!
Y'all, breakfast with the Winnie the Pooh characters was awesome. She FLIPPED when Pooh made his way to our table. She had already seen him across the room and was excited (she's a huge Pooh fan), but when he started walking up to her, she actually choked on her cantaloupe! lol. She spit it out and I held her while Pooh hugged her, but she was mostly terrified. Hahahaha. It was so cute. After Pooh left, she was totally fine and stoked to meet Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger. She gave them kisses and posed for pictures, saying "Smile Piglet!" or "Smile Tigger!" the whole time we took the pictures. It was adorable. I think Pooh was just overwhelming for her.
We rode tons of rides - obviously mostly the kiddie ones - and she loved it. Her favorites were Dumbo and the Goofy roller coaster. She just barely made the height requirement for that one and I was pretty worried about how she would do on it, but she did great! She rode with H and I was right in front of them to take pictures. She did duck her face for part of the ride, but as soon as it was over she said "Again!" and tried to get back on it. It was so stinking cute.
Day 3, we were on our own with her as my family wanted to go to Epcot and we didn't think DD would be too interested in that. We went back to MK and rode the Toy Story ride, Aladdin's magic carpet, Pirattes fo the Carribean and a few other things that we hadn't had time to do the day before. She loved it all but we stayed too late and she was way past ready for a nap when we finally left the park. It was not a pleasant wait for the bus or ride back. Oh well.
That night, H and I got to go to Epcot on our own for our anniversary dinner (5 years!) and my parents kept DD and my niece. They had a blast playing and we had a great time at Epcot! The only downside was the smells from the food and wine festival triggering my morning sickness, but I managed to survive. Dinner at the Coral Reef was great!
The trip back yesterday was pretty rough. I had car sickness on top of my morning sickness and couldn't keep my dinner down last night. Also, turns out DD's limit for car time is 4.5 hours. The trip was 5.5 hours. That last hour was mostly screaming. Fun! lol.
All in all, it was a great trip and I'm glad we went. It was a lovely way to celebrate our anniversary. I think it would have been more fun if DD had been maybe at least a year older. We're not planning to go back for at least 5 years, maybe 10.
This is going to be a P&R as I'm headed to lunch but I'll be back soon. Hope y'all had fun without me and everyone on the east coast is staying safe and dry!
Re: I survived Disney World, pregnant with a 2 year old. Barely.
Glad you survived and had fun!!!
*jots notes*
this is helpful information for our trip planning
Glad you had some fun. You are a brave soul taking on Disney with a 2 year old and morning sickness. Sorry to hear about the rough trip home and rough first day but it's great that she had fun at the breakfast. DH and I were just talking about Disney and I think we are going to wait until DD's closer to 4-5 before we go for many of the reasons you mentioned.
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