Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Upcoming 'turn back the clock' will ruin LO's sleep schedule :(

Anyone else concerned about turning back the clocks and LO's sleep schedule? 

DS gets tired around 6p-7p and ends up going down between 7pm-8pm and wakes up at 6am. The time change will make that Down by 7pm, up at 5am. I REALLY don't want to start getting up at 5am!!!!  

I know we won't be able to keep him up an extra hour...and mommy definitely can't get up an hour earlier. NOT looking forward to this. I'm thinking maybe we put him down in his pack-n-play in the living room and move him at the "new 8pm."  He usually stirs a bit the first hour or two- so, maybe he'll see we are up and eventually adjust naturally. As far as mornings, maybe that will fall into place when the bed time does....?

Anyone have a plan? 

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Re: Upcoming 'turn back the clock' will ruin LO's sleep schedule :(

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... I never even thought of it. LOL. Now my mind is racing!! I have no idea but you're right. Maybe it will only last a few days while the adjustment happens?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • we have thought about it... and we are slightly worried... 

    hopefully it only lasts a few days! we already wake up between 6-630, even on the weekends... man oh man, I hope it doesn't last long! 

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  • I would be happy with waking up at 6:00!  LO wakes at 5:30

    So come Sunday we will be up at 4:30 until she adjusts to the new time.

    No adivce, we are just going to ride it out until she adapts.  Maybe keep her up a little later each night and let her stay in her crib babbling a little longer each morning but no matter how late she is awake, 5:30 is wake up time!

    Lilypie - (JrNi)

    Lilypie - (y35Q)

  • I have heard sunlight vs. darkness helps set babies internal clock.  Make sure that when you want LO to be awake you take them outside into the sunlight and that at night you keep their room very dark.  I know this won't solve the issue, but its suppose to help them understand day and night and adjust their cirrcadium rythm
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  • I see some 4 am mornings in my near future but they will adjust.
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  • We plan on slowly adjusting LO's bedtime later and later, but little by little. I'll probably push it 15 minutes later every 2 or 3 days or so.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We have been working for the last month to push the boys bed time back an hour, this way we were hoping to adjust their schedule before the clocks actually changed to avoid the way-too-early wake up time. We starting working on it so early though because we have a trip coming up to the west coast and we didn't want them to be three hours ahead (ie. still adjusting to the time change AND the 2 hour time difference).

    It has pretty much sucked, they are still waking up around the same time and still realllllly want their bed time to be around their "normal time". It is making for some cranky babies during the day, and I'm about to just say screw it and let them do whatever makes them happiest.

    I'd suggest starting to make adjustments (say 15 minutes every couple nights) NOW. Other than that, I have no clue what people do, hopefully you LO will be a little more flexible than mine :) 

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  • Oh my god yes! We have thought about and have been worried about it. DD is already waking up earlier and earlier, today was before 6am, I cannot take any earlier.

    I have been wanted to work on keeping her up a bit later and later every night so maybe she will sleep longer in the morning, not working.

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  • I was worried about this with my first. He'll be 3 in December, and I can honestly say I don't recall his sleep pattern ever being affected by the time change! I know not all babies will adjust that easily and he's probably the exception, but I wanted to give you all a glimmer of hope! I'm hoping my 7 month old will adjust just as well!
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