
a bonus of preemies

I hope this doesn't sound bad, I'm trying to look on the bright side. With DD the milestones flew by, I can't even tell you when she first sat up or rolled over. I remember her walking because it was a little late, but most things were a blur. With the boys being 2 months behind adjusted age wise the milestones are slower and we celebrate each one. With them being the last babies we have (most likely) it seems like they are growing so fast. It's nice that we have to take it slow and we get excited about each little thing-like sitting up, putting something in their mouth, even unfolding their hands-all sorts of things that I would not have noticed when it rushes it by. 

I hope that doesn't sound awful, I'm not happy they are slow at things just that we have to really pay attention and work on them so we're more excited about each little thing. 

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Re: a bonus of preemies

  • I remember when E was in the NICU my DH and I talked about how we were celebrating things that other parents totally took for granted.  The first time he wore clothes, the first time he breastfed, the first time he finished a whole bottle.  I agree that it really makes you appreciate things that you might otherwise overlook! 

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

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  • As she's gotten older the milestones seem to fly by a little more, but are still a huge celebration!  We were just talking last night about the things we celebrated early on like keeping her eyes open for more than a few seconds, or increasing her bottles by just a couple mls.  Every day I am amazed by my LO and remember not to take anything for granted and to enjoy every second.
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  • imagestrudel82:

    I agree. We're celebrating every little, teeny weeny thing. One of my DDs reached up to touch something today. I was like, "WHERE's THE CAMERA!!!" lol

    But why I'm really responding is, your boys are so adorable. Their sweet smiles just made my heart melt! Look out ladies!

    Thanks! We always laugh because Harry's (on the left) torticollis (sp?) always makes him look so interested and fascinated by whatever you say. It's gotten better since that photo but he still looks like he's always saying "you don't say?!?"  Colin is always laughing, even in his sleep.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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