Right now, DS only uses 1 MF insert in his daytime diapers. I'm ordering some OS pockets that come with one insert and saving them for when he gets a little older. I'm wondering if I should order more inserts, too. Did your LOs start wetting more during the day as they got bigger? What do you stuff in your average daytime diaper?
Re: Favorite Inserts and how many?
My favorite inserts are my Alva bamboo inserts and my Fuzzibunz Hemp inserts. Super trim and super absorbent. I have a really heavy wetter.
Superstash.net sells the Alva and Kawaii bamboo inserts for the cheapest price I've found. The FB ones are on amazon.
We have 5 of the bamboo and 3 of the hemp. I plan on buying some more of the bamboo ones.
My Daughter (5) was always a heavy wetter, so I started using doublers and extra soakers before she was a year old. I did get a few used from a friend who was just getting out of diapers, but mostly I made my own using wash cloths wrapped in fleece and flannel. I would say you might need more, but it really depends on your child. Does your baby like to "hold it" until they really fill a diaper? Mine did. She might be dry for two to three hours, but when she went she was SOAKED. Of course, that also depends on how much your LO drinks too.
But for baby #2, we are using gDiapers and I LOVE their cloth inserts.I think even if I had to go back to using my prefolds, I would probably still order more of g's cloth inserts. They are so soft and absorbent!