Babies: 6 - 9 Months

LO doesn't like his veggies

We started solids about two weeks ago.  I had wanted to wait until six months, but LO just wasn't seeming satisfied with just nursing and his doctor recommended we just start solids a little early, rather than supplementing his bottles with formula since he already had a pretty high milk intake.

 He has no problem with Oatmeal and never has (he will finish one or two whole servings if offered).  The first week we offered squash every day, on it's own, and also mixed with Oatmeal.  He never warmed up to it.

Then, we moved on to green beans.  He seems even less interested in the green beans than he was in the squash.

I don't want to move on to anything too sweet before he develops a taste for veggies.  Any suggestions?

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Re: LO doesn't like his veggies

  • Sounds kind of like my LO. DS wasn't a huge fan of solids at first, everything I gave him, he seemed to not care for. So what I did is I guess a big "no no" but I started fruits. I tried apples and bananas and so on.

    I think that really helped him develop a taste for foods. I reintroduced peas, carrots, and other veggies, and he liked them a lot more this time around. I think in my sons case, he needed to get the hang of solids and develop a taste for them altogether. 

    May not work for you, but it's worth a shot. Oh and maybe try sweet potatoes and other tastier solids, babies usually love those. 

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  • Find something your LO likes and mix half of it with something he doesn't like.  For example, my DD would only eat carrots in the beginning but nothing else.  So I mixed half the carrots with a different veggie and she would eat it.  Eventually she started to eat everything, she just had to get used to the taste.

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  • I started fruits first with both my girls. They are both great eaters. DD2 currently eats pears, apples, peaches, nectarines, peas, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and acorn squash. I started pears first with her and then moved on to peas and sweet potatoes.
  • How long did you try each one?  DS2 did not warm up to squash until about a week of having it every day, and now just tolerates it. Try sweet potatoes.  DS1 loved those, and DS2 took them much better than the squash. 

    DS1 never ever liked green beans, so don't take it as he'll never eat veggies.  Carrots & sweet potatoes are much more likely to be liked!

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  • It can take like 10 or more tries to get used to something before they start to decide if they like it or not. I would just keep trying. You can try making tgem thicker or thinning them out to see if it's a texture thing, too!
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  • This makes me feel a little better, DS still doesn't seem too interested in food and I am wondering when that will change.  He does seem to like fruit more than veggies and I was afraid he wouldn't like veggies either.  We tried ground turkey mixed with apples yesterday and today - both times he vomited.  I think he hated the taste so much he gagged because I don't even think he swallowed it so I don't think he was allergic.  I guess I am just going to keep trying to reintroduce b/c he literally won't have more than 4 or 5 spoonfuls sometimes.
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