

Hey, girl.  I have a request.

Before y'all consider adding even more boards, can you please do some work on the mobile site first?  I'm super happy that I can bump from my phone now, but it still leaves much to be desired. 

  • Give us the ability to sort threads by newest post. 
  • Make it so we can see siggies
  • Make it so it's not so easy to accidentally DD your posts.  I may be wrong, but when you DD from the main site, don't you have to confirm the delete and type in a reason?  Whereas last night I accidentally hit delete whilst scrolling through my thread and *poof*--gone.

I'm sure there are other improvements that need to be made but these are the most annoying to me.  Thanks!



Re: ::BumpKathleen::

  • We can sort, just go to the main board and scroll to the bottom.

    Agreed on the siggy part. I see posts where people say ::points to ticker/siggy:: and I have no idea if they've lost weight, gotten pregnant, or added a new photo that I can't see.

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  • imageManateearmz:
    We can sort, just go to the main board and scroll to the bottom. Agreed on the siggy part. I see posts where people say ::points to ticker/siggy:: and I have no idea if they've lost weight, gotten pregnant, or added a new photo that I can't see.

    No, I mean like within the threads.  Like, how can I read the newest replies on a FFFC thread without scrolling through six pages every time I open the post? 


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  • Our computer is messed up so I only bump from my phone. I hate the mobile site. I don't know what phone you have, but I have a Droid and just went to the settings and turned off mobile sites so its just like if I were on the computer. If I want to post, I have to have javascript turned off. It's probably slower than the mobile site but worth it to me.


  • I use Opera Mini and the mobile website hasn't changed at all.  I don't know if it's what y'all are looking for but it still shows up just like the computer online version for me.
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  • imagescoutkate:

    We can sort, just go to the main board and scroll to the bottom. Agreed on the siggy part. I see posts where people say ::points to ticker/siggy:: and I have no idea if they've lost weight, gotten pregnant, or added a new photo that I can't see.

    No, I mean like within the threads.  Like, how can I read the newest replies on a FFFC thread without scrolling through six pages every time I open the post? 


    Yes, this! Also, I only just learned to do this a couple of weeks ago. It changed my life! 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imageashleysyn2:

    We can sort, just go to the main board and scroll to the bottom. Agreed on the siggy part. I see posts where people say ::points to ticker/siggy:: and I have no idea if they've lost weight, gotten pregnant, or added a new photo that I can't see.

    No, I mean like within the threads.  Like, how can I read the newest replies on a FFFC thread without scrolling through six pages every time I open the post? 


    Yes, this! Also, I only just learned to do this a couple of weeks ago. It changed my life! 

    I just learned to do this right this second.

    It's awesome, right? 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • You guys.  How did you not know about this?  Every thread I post in gets set to "Newest to Oldest" at the earliest opportunity.
  • I browse more often on the Babycenter mobile site because it is was more user friendly. I don't post there but it is WAY nicer to read. I've only started bumping from my phone since I got my S3.

    ETA The thread titles all fit there.  Even if it a 2 line title here it cuts off. That is damn annoying.

  • imageHesterlicious:

    I browse more often on the Babycenter mobile site because it is was more user friendly. I don't post there but it is WAY nicer to read. I've only started bumping from my phone since I got my S3.

    ETA The thread titles all fit there.  Even if it a 2 line title here it cuts off. That is damn annoying.

    Oh yeah this! And despite what someone previously said, I can't scroll up and see all of the title. So when people post those titles and then finish the sentence inside the post, I have no effing clue what they've just said. 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • OH YEAH and one more thing

    Stop censoring the word D I C K

    I have never seen it used in a derogatory manner. It is always literary, political or used as the name in general. 


  • imagefredalina:
    I gotta think seeing siggies would defeat the purpose of a mobile site somewhat. However, the ability to switch to the full site and have it stay there would be nice.

    Maybe if we could at least see avatars? It's so hard to recognize people!  

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