
NICU after 36 weeks?

Has anyone given birth after 36 weeks or in the 36 week range and still had their twins go to the NICU or Special Care nursery?

If so, what were their weights and if you don't mind answering, the reasoning for the NICU stay? How long were they there?

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: NICU after 36 weeks?

  • My boys were born at 37 weeks one of them was in the special care nursery from early tues morning until he was released to go home on fri afternoon. He had low blood sugar soon after he was born so they took him to stabilize that. Good luck!!
  • My girls were born at 36w1d, 4lbs12oz and 4lbs7oz. Once we were moved to recovery room they notice my smaller DD had low blood sugar. She was in the nicu for observation for the rest of the day, about 16 hours. Her blood sugar increased to a normal range after a few feedings. Larger DD didn't have any nicu time.
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  • 35.5 days & we were in 17 days but twins had TTTS and were feeders & growers
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  • 36 w 5 days and the girls were 6 lb 9 oz and 7 lb 1 oz. Three days in nicu for transitional breathing issues and what they thought may have been an infection. Turns out there wasn't an infection but better safe than sorry! GL!!


  • I delivered at 36 wks 5 days. Baby A went to the NICU for. 4 hours due to some respiratory distress, but that was because the cord was wrapped around his body rather than his being a preemie. Baby B went right back to the room with us.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • kegkeg member

    DDs were born at 35w6d and were 4lbs12oz and 5lbs14oz.  The smaller girl automatically got a NICU ticket because she was under 5lbs (our hospital policy).  The larger girl wound up in the NICU because she had some respiratory grunting and they were worried about a potential infection (didn't have one).  Smaller DD was in 5 days, larger DD 6 days. 

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • 35w2d at 5.14 and 5.7. Originally they were both with us but then everyone realized the trouble they were having with feeding. They were in the SCN for 10 and 11 days to grow and learn how to suck, swallow, breathe.
    MFI and (now) AMA
    IVF 1 April 2011 - Cancelled
    IVF 1.5 July 2011 - MC
    IVF 2 October 2011 - BFP!
    *Identical Twin Boys born June 2012*
    Here we go again...IVF 3 is underway!
  • Ours were born at 36w6d and both weighed 6lbs6oz. Our daughter had a placental abruption and spent two days in the NICU for breathing issues. Our son also had breathing issues but only needed O2 for about an hour so he went to our room with us. Good luck!
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  • We have a c/s scheduled for 36/6. Last u/s they were over 6 lbs each....
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Ours were born at 37 weeks exactly by c-section.  DS was 6lbs 10oz DD was 4lbs 2 oz and both went straight to NICU.  DS has liquid in his lungs and DD was low birth weight plus a distended(sp?) abdomen.  They ended up staying for exactly 1 week in the NICU due to feeding issues at first and then DD was jaundice and had body temp regulating issues.  By the time they met each of the criterias for being released it was exactly 1 week.  I luckily was able to stay in the hospital the entire time recovering and seeing them as often as possible.

    I don't post often...think I intro'd a while ago, but I lurk A LOT.  :)


  • Mine were 36 weeks exactly (5 and 6lbs). They were there for 7 days just to keep their temps regulated and gain weight.
    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
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