LOVE it! What a great response. And I love that he ended with from "A friend you haven't made yet" because even though she stooped to pathetic levels he is still willing to rise above and be the bigger person. He's a bigger and better person than she could ever hope to be.
It's such an honest letter, I hope it wouldn't fall on deaf ears. I hope she read it and realized what a douche she is.
But to be fair, I was just as upset when Obama went on Letterman and make the crack that his bowling was 'like the special Olympics or something.' It was back in 2009, and the press barely scolded him for it. While Ann tends to be more douchey more often, I really disliked that it was my president saying that. I hold him to a higher standard...leader of the free world and all.
Re: Ann Coulter, the R word and an Awesome response from a Special Olympian
I have a special place in my heart for SO athletes. I used to volunteer at their events & it was truly the best experience.
Me too. Coulter is the world's cvuntiest cvunt.
Saw this on my FB feed this morning.
Also, Ann is a cvunt.
Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12
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It's such an honest letter, I hope it wouldn't fall on deaf ears. I hope she read it and realized what a douche she is.
But to be fair, I was just as upset when Obama went on Letterman and make the crack that his bowling was 'like the special Olympics or something.' It was back in 2009, and the press barely scolded him for it. While Ann tends to be more douchey more often, I really disliked that it was my president saying that. I hold him to a higher standard...leader of the free world and all.
Both are extremely insensitive and inappropriate.