Stay at Home Moms

Terrible Naps and please

This has been a really tough week. DD is teething, which was going remarkably well until Monday. She cut her first tooth about a week ago, and now the second is coming in as well. I'm not sure if the teething is related to her terrible naps this week or not, but SOMETHING has to give because I'm losing it! She hasn't slept for more than 30 min ALLLLLL WEEK.

In the past, she would usually take a 1hr 15min nap in the AM, and a good 2hr nap in the PM, but those naps have been MIA for 3 or 4 days now.

 Has anyone else dealt with this problem? Any suggestions, teething remedies, ANYTHING?! Do you think it's the teething that is causing her sleep interruptions? I'll take whatever you can give :) Thank you!

We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And HOPE does not dissappoint.
Romans 5:3-5

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Re: Terrible Naps and please

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    DD does the exact same thing when she's teething. It's really annoying and I never get anything done but it passes within a week or so. She's also SUPER whiny and clingy when teething.

    Mesh feeders with frozen fruit helps, oragel, chilled wash cloths or teething rings. 

    Nothing has ever helped with the naps or night waking...just had to wait it out. Sorry :( Hang in there, it will be over before you know it ;)

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    Teething was always the primary disruptor of naps in our house, I feel your pain.  DS always wears an amber necklace, and we also had good results with Hylands teething gel or tabs.  Boiron Camilia worked well too.  Walgreens carries all these things.

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    We had a really great experience with using an amber teething necklace.

    Unfortunately I would assume the naps are messed up by the teething.  Just try to hang in there and remind yourself that it won't last forever!  I know it's easier said than done, ugh, do I know!  But really, that's all you can do.  She'll get through it and so will you!

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    I can't really help you, I just want to commiserate because we are in the same boat.  DD is teething early, and is on her 3rd tooth, and naps have flown out the window.  She is SUCH a bad sleeper anyway, but these past few weeks it's gotten ridiculous.  I haven't sleep more than 5 hours a night total for 4 days now, so I need this afternoon nap!

    What I'm doing now, which is not recommended but it works, is let her sleep on me after nursing, then carefully slide her and the boppy over beside me so at least she's off me and I can read/type.  I don't like letting her sleep on the boppy, but I keep an eye on her so she's safe.  It's the only way I can get her to sleep, and even then it's 1 hour in the afternoon max.

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