August 2011 Moms

mid-afternoon pregnancy fatigue

If you got/get bad mid-day fatigue while pregnant, how did/do you deal with it?

With DS, it didn't matter - I could snooze in the library mid-afternoon, I didn't have to drive home, and I didn't have an energetic little person demanding my attention.

Now, I can't afford to be exhausted all afternoon, especially since we often are out and about in the early afternoon, and I have to drive home. Today (the first real day I've had this this pregnancy), I had to fight to stay awake on the drive home from DS's doctor appointment.

I've given up soda/caffeine, so any other tips on how to fight the fatigue would be appreciated.

(Obviously I'm going to be more careful about when I run errands now so I won't be out driving when the fatigue hits.)

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Re: mid-afternoon pregnancy fatigue

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    I take a nap ;)
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    I drink cold water. I am still drinking 1 cup of caffine tea, coffee but if I have it in the morning, 2pm hits hard and I find cold water or any cold drink helps.
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    I used to get up and walk around the building with a sugary granola bar and some water. That helped!
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    I wish I could help.

    I dealt (and deal) with fatigue in any way I can (could). When I'm home, I nap when the girls nap. When I'm at work, I find that eating/drinking (even if it's only water) can distract me from my fatigue. The advantage to that is that it makes maintaining a decent water intake fairly easy. Plus the resulting trips to the bathroom also help with staying awake. 

    Good luck! 

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    I have no good tips. I only get major afternoon fatigue once in a while. When it happens to me I get a coffee (bad preggo, right here), slouch in my chair and stair at the computer screen.  
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    This is going to sound bad, but on days when I was totally slumping over at my desk, I would get a Coke from the soda machine.  Coke has about 35 mg of caffeine versus the 100-150 mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee, so I didn't feel so bad.  The extra sugar boost would get me through the day until I could make it home and crash on the couch. 
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