Cloth Diapering

Pee Leak

Ok, so I have pockets. I have some Nubunz. I have Kawaiis, and BG 3.0's. (I think...) All day today she leaked in every single one EXCEPT when she was in her flip cover with an insert. That never leaks. I'm disappointed. I love my pockets, and I have a lot of them, but I feel like the flips do a better job of keeping any pee in. Do you think this is a compression issue? I put one MF insert in and fold it in the back to fit in the pocket (or the flip with a homemade cover for the MF so it doesn't touch her bottom). I'd be pretty disappointed if I have to find a trade or sell all my pockets because they don't work for us. She's 10 weeks and I'm assuming she's around 12 pounds. Her legs are getting pretty chunky. There is no inside liner sticking out when I put it on. Somehow when I go to change her, the onsies are wet near the legs/crotch. WHY???? So, it's not like it's an all out leak (but we do have some of those during long naps which is my fault, I should double up on the MF's.) Do you think if I get bamboo or hemp for behind it'll help or should I switch my stash to my covers....

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Pee Leak

  • Every two hours. It's soaked in the front not towards the back which I expected with a girl. In her sposies at night it's definetly soaked in the back, and not soaked in the front.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • The legs might not have a good fit yet.  How often do you change her?  I'd make sure there's no gaping at the legs on your pockets and try adding more absorbency.
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