
Low progesterone?

Hi ladies!  

Has anyone had experience with low progesterone and if so, how did you figure out that was going on?  After doing some research about what is going on with my body lately (consistent headaches, fatigue, CRAZY strong PMS symptoms, and other stuff), I am wondering if this might be my problem.  I just don't feel right and I never felt like this until about May of this year.  I had my Mirena removed in April and my cycles and my body have seem to be much different than before having DD and getting my Mirena.  I have made an appointment to talk to my midwife--I'm hoping she'll do some bloodwork or tests to see if something is wonky.   Anyone have experience with this and what was the solution for you?  



Re: Low progesterone?

  • I have low progesterone, but forgive me b/c I have forgotten what it's like to be on a non-medicated (birth control) cycle. When I am not on BC, I feel like my symptoms are similar to that. I charted when I was TTC with my DS so I knew I had a short luteal phase (very technical for the number of days after I ovulated before I got my period) and that can be an indicator of low progesterone. When I get pregnant, I have to be put on progesterone immediately or I will have a miscarriage (hence why I have had one before). I'd definitely check it out if I were you, if you are wanting to have more children as well. I don't think there is anything to do about it when you're not pregnant though. : (
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    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

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    BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

  • Thanks for your response.  My LP is also becoming shorter and shorter.  It used to be around 14-15 days and is now 11-12.  I had an early loss in June and we are still TTC'ing.  Things just aren't adding up and I think something is off.  I will definitely bring this up at the appointment with my midwife.  I appreciate your input!



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