
Real Housewives of New Jersey Fans

Have you seen Melissa Gorga's video, "Dance for You" on youtube?? It's horrible! She needs a new hobby. I love her on the show, but man that video was bad.


OAN: The Wakile's are boring, I hope the show finds a new housewife.

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Re: Real Housewives of New Jersey Fans

  • I think Teresa snapped.  I just get uncomfortable watching her anymore, I mean no one can be healthy and that delusional.

    Her hairline has also been irritating me lately.

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  • Teresa is beyond crazy now, I wish they would get rid of her just to knock her down a few notches. If they get rid of her though everyone is pretty boring. Kim D needs to go, maybe they should just start from scratch or only keep a few of them.
    A: 10.02.03     

        M: 01.28.11 
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  • I'm a big fan of the show, but I think they either need a whole new cast or discontinue that franchise. 
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  • Agree, it has gotten over the top.  They need some new blood
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  • imageKimbus22:

    I actually love the Wakiles.  They're the only ones who seem even halfway normal. Their son is freaking hilarious.  But I do hate Kathy's surgery.

    yeah, but who the hell wants to watch a tv show about normal people? you know who i can't stand? the manzo kids. bunch of lazy jerks. caroline's all, "my kids WORK for what they have!" riiiiight. "work" for me is not riding around in an RV getting drunk going to meet with "clients." and neither is lap band surgery. i knew lauren would get the surgery.

    fun fact about lauren - when she had that other "business" (her makeup line) she was supposed to do a friend of mine's makeup for her wedding. never showed up. yeah... those manzo kids sure do work hard for the money! i go in the grocery store and i see that stupid blk water and i laugh because i will never give them a penny.

  • Teresa is completely cray. 
  • I heard Teresa wasn't asked back for next season
  • I wish Rosie was a regular.

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