At first my son did fine, but now he is waking hourly crying- I believe he feels like he is falling and jerks his arms. I swaddle him and he tears out of it, he doesn't like it. They were in RNPs but they are too long for them. Should they be in crib prior to their midnight feed? My husband puts them in their swings- I go to sleep early so I can make it through the night. After I feed them I put them in their cribs. Any tips/suggestions? I see their ped.'tomorrow and will ask.
Ps I think I would not recommend the RNP anymore to you newbies- go with 2 pack and plays as big and uncomfy as they are. I went with them because of the C section and not doing stairs to their room but my kids grew out of them so quick- they are long and now I'm having transition troubles...
Re: Advice/help for crib transition at 3 months old?
Thats tough. My 2 GF's had terrible trouble with the transition & I wish I wouldn't of stayed quiet when everyone was buying the RNP but some babies do just fine. My twins have been in their crib since 7 weeks but have always slept flat. However they are swaddled for every nap & night time & I think that it wouldn't work for mine if they weren't. They also sleep in the same crib for now for a few more weeks till we get the new camera.
I would suggest getting a smaller/better swaddle if he is able to break out. Many babies fight it becasue they are overly tired/stimulated so it is also important to know their sleep cues & get down drowsey. It might be a few days, but it really does work.
Ours both fought the swaddle for a week or so, but we knew they still needed it. We used/use Halo Sleep Sack Swaddles...they have busted out maybe a handful of times in 6 months. I rec. the fleece ones.
As for the transition, I think it took us about 4-5 days. We just replaced nuks when they woke up at first, and it was less daunting than I thought it would be. We started by moving the RnP's into their bedroom so they got used to the room, sounds etc. (we use a fan for white noise)
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d