
moms of toddlers- how do you spend your day

ds is 22 mo and I teach. We have this week off and I started to wonder how much time moms spend directly playing with their kids. As a teacher I think every minutes shoudl be spent playing or reading to him. But as a mom I think if he'splaying nicely I'll iron or clean or flip through a catalog. But then I feel quilty I'm not playing with him, I do still chat with him if I'm doing something else like laundry. How much time does your child spend playing without you?

I think I put to much stress on myslef to be the perfect mom.

Re: moms of toddlers- how do you spend your day

  • Quite a bit at 22 months..I dont want her to be to dependant on me.  We read alot, but other than that she plays or colors by herself
  • If there are chores to be done, we usually make a game of it & have her help out.  Laundry sorting, she likes to help wash B's bottles, "helps" with yardwork, etc.  We read a lot, play games with her, she likes to give tea parties... but most of the time she's perfectly happy playing by herself and wandering over to check up on us once in a while.
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  • DS started playing more independently just before he turned two.  On days i'm home he spends some time playing on his own in the morning while I load the dishwasher or something.  Probably an hour or so, but he checks in with me every 10-15 minutes.  He plays independently with trucks, trains or his kitchen.  I felt pressured to interact with him every second too, but now sometimes he prefers to play on his own and he gets upset when I mess up his game!
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