1. I have just started my LO in her BG 4.0s, she's a short chunky LO (21.5in and 12lbs)... but only 6 wks so I figure she should be on a pretty small snap setting to avoid leg leaks which we got a couple weeks ago when we first tried to use them. So I left one little set of snaps in the center and she was randomly crying, which she never does. I thought maybe it was snapped too tight. So now there are two sets, does that sound unusual for a baby this size?
2. Of course being OS, even with the rise all the way down, they cover a lot of skin and every time we change the whole diaper is incredibly wet. Which means a lot of skin is always wet. Is this normal? Does she already need more than one insert? Or maybe at night?
3. I've read that there are a couple CD safe diaper rash ointments, with those do I still need to use a liner?
TY for answering any or all of my ?s
Re: 3 BG 4.0 ?s
My 4 month old is 12# 24". She has two sets of snaps exposed, no blowouts yet. Your second question regarding wetness, are you using the newborn insert or the snap down insert? I dislike the snap down insert so I double up the newborn insert and I also use joeybunz premium hemp medium sized inserts during the night with one newborn insert and it works like a charm for absorbency. I am waiting for a sale in order to buy more joeybunz.
As for diaper creams, I use grandma els and no liner, there are several different kinds available that are cd safe.
1. If you're not getting leaks and your LO is comfortable, it's the right snap setting.
2. BGs wick away moisture pretty well. If your insert is soaked, you may need more absorbency. If you're just using the small BG insert, that's entirely possible - it's not very absorbent.
3. No need to use a liner with CD safe creams.