Has anyone ever been able to find the white Kawaii pure and naturals? I'd like to get a few of these to try out since they are so reasonably priced and seem to get great reviews but I'd like to get the white ones. I don't really care for the patterns they have and I didn't want to get the peach ones because I'd like to be able to use them for future babies as well that may end up being boys. Problem is every time I've looked at them, and each website I've looked at they never seem to have any white ones anywhere is this normal or am I just missing something?
Added: Also it seems most of the websites are sold out of most or all of the colors in general, is there currently a shortage or is there a certain day they generally restock?
Re: White Kawaii P&N
They are out of all of them
Do you know if there is a certain day they usually do their restocking?
Thanks I will have to keep an eye out at the begining of the month. I have checked all of the other commonly mentioned sites including this one and they've all seemed to be out of most if not all of them for several weeks now. I'll save loveyourbaby to my favorites and try to remember to check them each morning so I can catch them while they are in stock, fortunatly my baby isn't due until early January and I do already have some nb sized diapers so I should be just fine. Do you know how long they usually take to ship? Is it a long time like Alva baby?
I just recently bought some white ones from Thanksmama.com. They were slightly more expensive than Jack Be Natural, but I really wanted the white ones, too, and they shipped super fast.
ETA: Sorry, I just checked to see if they still have them and they don't.
I don't know where you live, but I live in Ontario and they ship in a week to me.