
Does your toddler do this?

We like the park. Other  than his friends, he doesn't like other kids around him. Looking at him, on the slide next to him, etc.Catch Air is (indoor playground) a night mare.

He has many friends that he doesn't mind sharing with, but strange kids make him possessive over community objects. We talk about sharing ALL.THE.TIME. We have books and videos, but I'm at a loss.

It's so strange.

Wondering if you sweet chicks have any advice. Make me see what I am missing. Please.


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Re: Does your toddler do this?

  • I think some children are just more outgoing than others and your DS seems to have a comfort zone. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Just keep encouraging him to make new friends and share. Interracting with new faces is a skill for some people. I really don't like meeting new people or being in large groups. Nothing will ever change how I feel about it, but as I got older I learned how to be better at it. 
  • Thanks, KB. You are wise. 
    He is so awesome at Music Class and the Library Story Time stuff, but it's so weird to see him like this. 
    What you say makes me feel at ease. 
    And want a Klondike Bar. ;)


    (have you had one yet?) 

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  • Lol, I'm probably more like your LO. Don't really care for strangers myself... Dude, they can be weird and creepy. And ya never know where they're hands have been, gross!
    DS on the other is very friendly to strangers. He's a little shy, but he sorta stands back, observes, he'll smile as a greeting then if he feels comfortable he starts in, "hi. Check out the airplane! Did you see it?" ....or "wanna play catch?" ...or whatever.
  • imagenancy30005:

    Thanks, KB. You are wise. 
    He is so awesome at Music Class and the Library Story Time stuff, but it's so weird to see him like this. 
    What you say makes me feel at ease. 
    And want a Klondike Bar. ;)


    (have you had one yet?) 

    Darn. I really want ice cream now that you mentioned it. I think all I have is Italian Ice in the freezer:(

    edit: I hit post too soon. I think as long as he is interacting well with his friends, I wouldn't stress about it too much. 
  • DD is like this. The second she sees another kid approaching the park or getting on a slide she was previously on she says NO! and MINE! I tell her to say hi and that usually clears it up for some reason. she'll say hi and wave and then be done with it. I think it's just a phase that will go away with time (hopefully)
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  • We are in the same boat. We we are at the park and he pushes a stranger, I give him a warning or a time out. If it continues, I give a warning and we go home. Previously, I prompted him to say "Hi, friend" instead of pushing, but then he just pushed kids as he was saying "Hi, friend", so that was a bust. And home, with friends, I model sharing and heavily praise good sharing. I use the term "turns" a lot. It's still going on, so I'm not sure I'm doing it right. 

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  • I take DS to indoor tot spot every Tues. He just wants to play with me. If any kid comes up to him he pushes them away. Last week he actually started telling kids to "GO!" and pointed for them to leave. 

    He plays with a couple close friends, but I have to watch him like a hawk with strangers. He's so rude! (He's 23 months) 

    SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 
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