Pre-School and Daycare


I am done having kids.  I've continued to see my OB/GYN, but am considering going back to seeing PCP for my annual appts.

Pros- PCP in network, less hassle scheduling

Question- Is there any down the road reason to keep OB/GYN?  I LOOOOVE her and feel loyalty but they have grown so big it is hard to actually get an appt. with her- I scheduled a year in advance, 2 months before appt., something came up and I called to change the day, and there wasn't an opening for 4 months?  Anyway, what do you do?

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  • good question, I'm in the same boat.
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  • Specific to OB/GYN down the road issues that will come to mind is menopause and permanent BC.  

    Your PCP can also handle bladder infections and mammograms. 

    Scheduling is a big deal for me.  However, if I only have to go for my annual visit and I love the dr I would probably stick w/ the specialist.

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  • Also if you had an abnormal pap, you would need to see an GY
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  • The gyn specialty is different from OB and I still think it's important for women's health. I saw a gyn years before I need OB services (started at 18) and intend to continue long-term with a gyn. I also plan to get my girls to a gyn once they get their first period so they're comfortable with the process if/when they're in need of birth control.
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  • I see an internist and she takes care of my OB care like paps and mammograms.  DH had a vasectomy so I don't need birth control, but she has prescribed it for me in the past.  I only saw an OB while I was pregnant. 
  • I think I'll always see a gyn for women's health related issues.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Thanks all.  I am going to call PCP and see if they handle gyn beyond annual paps.

    I have been so out of touch with my pcp since my first pregnancy- I just saw online they've completely renovated, have a monstrous children's waiting room with climbing equipment... I think I'd like to get back to that if they can handle anything that may come up...

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  • The only reason I see my OB/GYN at this point is because I have Endometriosis that is reoccuring and we are trying to control it with medications (not going so well right now). I need a GYN because it is looking like I am heading for a hysterectomy in about 2 years (trying to push it to 2 years if I can). I am also done having kids after having my twins so other than having pelvic pain and issues, I would just have my PCP do my annual womens exam and pap. But my PCP is an internal medicine MD so she has more experience with womens issues, she also handles my thyroid condition.

    If you feel comfortable with your PCP and you don't have any pelvic issues or concerns I don't see a problem with just having your PCP do your annuals. I agree it is a lot easier to get into see them then a OB/GYN.

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  • image-auntie-:
    I switched to the PA at my PCP's office. She'd totally competent around well woman care. If I had a medical issue related to gynocology at this point, I'd probably want a special gynocologist rather than an ob/gyn who is more of a generalist.

    I had no idea; great point!

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