So hubs and I have been TTC since April and still nothing. This month I thought would be different, I was 4 days late this morning. I test, it was neg, and then a couple of hours ago AF showed up. Not in full force, more like a pink discharge. Anyway, she's coming. How can it happen that I was 4 days late and then started?? It's just not right!
TTC #1, Cycle 22 - Jan 2009
IUI , Femara & Follistim: 7/21/09: BFN
Multiple rounds of Clomid
June 2012: Decided to move on to IVF after 3 more rounds of Clomid
Sept 2012: Got a call from a friend asking us to adopt her baby
Re: Help me understand why!
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
Like pp said, it?s not over till AF shows in full force! GL!