Hi ladies, it's been awhile but I'm hoping you can help. My son just turned 12 weeks and apparently decided he isn't going to sleep anymore. He was sleeping pretty well until 3 days ago with some 6 and 7 hours stretches and now he is up every hour and a half to 2 hours. He will only sleep longer if I bring him back into our room and put him in his rock and play which I realize is a bad move but we all need to sleep. I go back to work Monday and would like not to be a zombie. Any tips to help him sleep longer or even ttn this one I'd pay big money for?? I should note he is a big boy 9, 12 at birth and almost 16 now so I don't think hunger is an issue but I ebf and if it's been 2 hours in between feedings I'll offer the boob and he almost always takes it so I could be wrong. Any and all advice welcome!
Re: Not sleeping anymore ugh
If he sleeps better in the rock n play, then let him sleep there. At this age do whatever works and whatever gets everyone the most sleep.
It was the 3 month growth spurt/12 week wonder week for us. After about 7-10 days of waking every couple hours he reverted to his 7-8 hour stretches. A couple days ago he even slept 10 hours straight.
Now I'm waiting for the 4 month sleep regression to start...