Health & Exercise

Fitting in to pre-baby clothes...

My daughter is now 3 months and I still cannot fit into my pre-pregnancy pants.  So, I am still wearing my maternity jeans, hoping the weight will fall off and I won't have to go up a size.  Am I being unrealistic? Should I just accept the fact that I won't be my pre-baby size and buy new jeans? How long is it normal to wear maternity clothes after you give birth?

Re: Fitting in to pre-baby clothes...

  • have you been exercising at all? I started walking as soon as it stopped hurting to walk and then gradually built up my workout routine to what it was before. Within a month of her birth I was able to wear most things comfortably again.
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  • For me, it was harder to wear maternity clothes post-baby.  I would have rather gotten a few items in a larger size than to wear maternity.  I had a pair of jeans 4 sizes bigger than I am wearing now.  (I am also 20 lbs lower than when I got Pg w/ #1.) 

    I would bite the bullet and buy a few items.  I am more apt to TRY to lose weight when I feel good about myself.

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  • buy new jeans.  my maternity jeans were too loose so I just bought 1 pair each time I went down a pant size.  I was not into my pre pre go clothes until DD was about 1 year old.  nothing fit and it was highly depressing.  I went from a size 6 to 14 and finally down to a 6 again
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  • imageArnegard:

    I would bite the bullet and buy a few items.nbsp; I am more apt to TRY to lose weight when I feel good about myself.

    I would agree with this. When I finally sucked it up and bought a couple pair of jeans in a larger size. I felt so much better about myself, and it wasn't long after that I finally kicked myself in the butt and got myself to a smaller size.
  • Just get a few clothes to wear while you get back to your old shape. It took me 9 months to be at the same weight as pre pregnancy. It will happen with healthy eating and exercise.
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  • agreed! I bought some new pants when I went back to work...and I was THRILLED when they were too big about a month later because I knew I was dropping.
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  • I think it took me about 4 months to fit comfortably in pre-pg jean without feeling squashed.

    I refused to buy a bigger size, but that's just me. Maybe try tracking your calories on sparkpeople and getting a little more exercise to see if it helps. Eating less and moving more is the only way to lose weight!

  • My daughter is also three months and I am also still wearing my maternity jeans.  I was expecting to take about six months to lose the weight...but I thought I might be able to squeeze into some of my looser pants by now.  Of course, I didn't really start a work out routine until a couple weeks ago.  Now that I am working out a few times a week and eating less, I think the weight will start to come off.

    I'm thinking about buying one cheap pair of jeans and treating myself to a nicer pair after I go down a few sizes.

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  • I remember it was 9 months before I had any hope of fitting into pre-pregnancy pants. I went ahead and bought a few pairs of pants a size up in the meantime. Don't be hard on yourself! Just be warned - just because you get back to your normal weight, doesn't mean things will fit the same way - my stomach just never tightened up the way it used to be - but that was in my 20s lol.
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  • LO is 3 months and I am no where close to my pre baby cloths, but to be fair I haven't been working out.  I wore my maternity jeans (I was so not wearing the shirts anymore- just bigger t shirts) for about a month after, then I was sick of wearing them (in my mind any day now my old jeans would fit...) I gave up and got a size bigger. 

    it just made me feel some what good to be wearing normal cloths again.  

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