I need about 3 - 4 more diapers to comfortably CD full time and wash every other day. But I totally can't decide what to get! I did the Jillian's Drawers trial and ended up keeping everything. I wasn't too excited about prefolds and didn't like the TinyTots but kept them for backup. Right now I have 3 FB elites, 4 kawaii, 1 BG 4.0, 1 BG Freetime, 1 Best Bottom Cover (& inserts), 3 Flip covers (& 1 insert), 1 Grovia cover (& inserts). I know...really eclectic.
I like the pockets the best but nothing really stands out. My boy is tall and skinny and tends to get mild rashes. He leaks sometimes when we don't put the diaper on tight enough, but I don't notice that it happens with one brand over another.
So my question is...What diaper feature do you think I should be scrutinizing?What sold you on your favorite brand? For those with FB elites, they seem so small...will they really size up and last for a long time?
Thanks in advance!
Re: Can't decide...
I swear by BG Elementals... DD is almost 8 months and we are still on the smallest rise and almost the smallest waist.... she is 95% for height and 65%ish for weight, so tall and skinny. I love that I can just throw the diaper in the wet bag and be done; this is especially handy as my DH cannot remember/be bothered to unstuff ever. They are also super trim, which is a big plus for me. Also, I think they are easier to spray out that the freetimes because the soaker's don't flap around.
FB Elites... I had 2 and sold them. I just couldn't get a good right with the elastic sizing and also felt like they wouldn't last up to potty training. But, DD is only 7.5 months, so I can't speak to their fit on a toddler.
I would think about night time options too... eventually you will probably have to do a lot of stuffing, and if he is tall and skinny you might get leg gaps when you try to stuff for nighttime. This happens for us, and I'm looking into a couple night time fitteds with maybe a wool cover.
Oh thanks for the advice for nighttime. Right now he still won't go more than 4-5 hours at night, and diapering isn't an issue. But I forgot about when he starts to sleep more and pee more.
And I'll look into the BG elementals. Thanks!
If you're going to keep the 3 flip covers with only 1 insert that is kind of a waste. I would get some more inserts and possibly even their organic insert (it's super soft and abosrbent). I feel like flips have a very similar fit to BGs (I think they are made by the same company). I actually love flips and recently sold my whole "eclectic stash" (I had everything under the sun cause I was like you and couldn't decide for at least the last 7 months what I liked most).
I kept my flips b/c they don't take up a lot of room, less laundry, easy to spray/dunk with poop, not to pricey etc. I kept my kawaiis for my daycare to use, since they are no fuss for them and economical. I've started investing in fitteds and wool covers for nightime and day. As far as Kawaiis and flips go I think they are definitely going to make it size wise until potty training!
Hope that helps.
I also have a very eclectic stash but I have been buying more and more Tots Bots Easy Fits. I LOVE them. They have super soft minky insides and the part you stuff is actually attached so super easy. Plus they line dry really fast, in a few hours. I have over a dozen at this point. And sweet baby bottoms sells them with free shipping. For a skinny kiddo, I'd try the aplix ones, best aplix I've found so far and you get a great fit.
I have 3 FB Elites and they do not fit my son who is 2 weighing 30 lbs and 37 inches tall. Have fun shopping!!