September 2011 Moms

Who has your vote? (CP)

This is no way trying to start a political war on our board. I just am curious where everyone stands and if our board reflects how close this election is going to be :) everyone stay happy-- okay?!? I mean it !!!![Poll]
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Re: Who has your vote? (CP)

  • Maybe this should be my FFFC, but I'm not even registered to vote.  With all that's been going on for me lately, I forgot to register and I really have no idea who I'd vote for if I was.  I'm a bad American!
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  • I don't see our board at all reflecting how the actual election is going to turn out.  Young women typically vote democrate, largely for social issues, specifically pro-choice/planned parenthood stuff.

    I see Obama winning by a landslide on our board.

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  • imageNCC74656:
    I voted SS. I don't like Romney. I don't like Obama. I will probably be voting for Gary Johnson if he is on the ballot

    That was me last election.  I voted libertarian.  I kind of felt like I basically threw away my vote, but it was the only one I could live with.

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  • Its pretty close so far.

    And I am proud to announce that I registered to vote the day before the deadline. :] lol

    And I cannot wait for this to be overwith!
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  • imagesolsburyhill:

    I voted SS. I don't like Romney. I don't like Obama. I will probably be voting for Gary Johnson if he is on the ballot

    That was me last election.  I voted libertarian.  I kind of felt like I basically threw away my vote, but it was the only one I could live with.

    That is what everyone tells me.. You know that either Obama or Romney will win, might as well pick the lesser of two evils, whoever you think that may be.

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  • imageNCC74656:
    I voted SS. I don't like Romney. I don't like Obama. I will probably be voting for Gary Johnson if he is on the ballot
    This would be me too, but living in Ohio I feel like I need to choose someone who actually stands a chance. Even though I want neither of the two.
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  • Voting for a third party isn't necessarily throwing away your vote. If you truely don't care between the main two, then you can send a message by voting for another. Also, if a third part receives at least 5% of the votes, the party is able to receive federal funding. So it does matter.

    In the past, voters who lean one way, and still vote for the third party can throw the vote for the other party. For instance, Ross Perot hurt republicans and Ralph Nader hurt democrates. I would just make sure you really don't care between the two.

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  • imageAmandaPaige6410:
    I voted SS. I don't like Romney. I don't like Obama. I will probably be voting for Gary Johnson if he is on the ballot
    This would be me too, but living in Ohio I feel like I need to choose someone who actually stands a chance. Even though I want neither of the two.

    Good point! Swing states do matter so much! I'm in NY and well, I don't think that changes much, ever!

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  • We actually have Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan on the ballot here in Florida. Roseanne would probably be just as competent as either of the two major party candidates.
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  • imagevalzee:
    We actually have Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan on the ballot here in Florida. Roseanne would probably be just as competent as either of the two major party candidates.

    oh man...I totally forgot she was running! Crazy! (Roseanne Barr)

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  • I know who I want to vote for, if I get to vote. I've registered in my new state twice. The first time they lost my registration (good think I called to double check) and I just got a call yesterday saying that since I have an out of state drivers license they're having a hard time getting my app to go through. It would have been nice if someone would have told me this might be a problem when I could still do something about it!
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  • I live in RI.  All of our electoral college votes are going to Obama unless hell freezes over between now and election day.  If I lived in a swing state where I felt as though my vote seriously made a difference, I would vote for Obama.  Since I don't and I can vote with my heart, I'm voting for Jill Stein.  In a swing state, I feel like a vote for Jill Stein would be like taking a vote away from Obama where he might really need it.  Since I'm not in a swing state, I would love to see the Green Party get the 5% of the vote it needs to get more funding to keep advancing their ideals.
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  • imageEmpireMomof3:
    Is Ron Paul running...again? Guy must shlt money to keep running like that.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!  I was thinking the same thing!!!

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  • We just moved from a swing state to a non-swing state...can I just say that I LOVE that there are no political commercials here!!!  They had already been going on in our old place and we moved a month ago! They are so annoying!

    ETA: spelling 

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  • imageOhBenji:

    Maybe this should be my FFFC, but I'm not even registered to vote.  With all that's been going on for me lately, I forgot to register and I really have no idea who I'd vote for if I was.  I'm a bad American!

     I am not registered either and I am not voting.

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  • imageOhBenji:

    Maybe this should be my FFFC, but I'm not even registered to vote.  With all that's been going on for me lately, I forgot to register and I really have no idea who I'd vote for if I was.  I'm a bad American!

     I am not registered either and I am not voting.

    Same here.

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  • Ugh, I will vote Romney, I'm only voting for him because of my H's job, I disagree with a lot of his policies, but I have to think more in terms of which one will create the job that helps H's job. That means we need the coal mines open because trains are the only means of transport for coal. 
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  • I voted Obama even tho I can't technically vote, but whoever you guys elect will also affect us!
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  • imagePoppymama:
    I voted Obama even tho I can't technically vote, but whoever you guys elect will also affect us!

    care to explain? I've never really paid attention to politics, so this is all new to me. 


    Off topic: I went to two targets looking for those candy corn Oreos to send to you and nobody had anymore :(. Sorry!! 

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