Hi ladies,
Just wanted to compare numbers to see where people were at this week. Just went in for my 37 week appt - I'm 2.5 cm, 60% and at -1. Dr. said that this doesn't neccesarily mean he's coming soon - some people stay at this point for weeks! where are others at?
Re: Dilalation and Effacement Numbers?!
At 36 & 3 days, I was 75% effaced and 3 cm dilated. My midwife kept saying 3.81 when she checked me, so I guess that's the actual number? LOL. Anyway, I am 37 weeks today.
Station THREE. WTF? How am i not in labor,right???
Im 37wks & 3 days. Wednesday I was dialated 1cm and he said my cervix was thinning but never said a percentage but baby is head down and dropped and in position he said. Im just glad im moving along well. Good luck everyone!
I am 37 weeks today. I went in last week for week 36 check up and was already dilated to a 2. My doctor said she (baby) could come within the next 2 weeks. So, he had me come back on the following monday and I was at a 3. He updated it to that she could come this week! He said if she did not come by Thursday (today) that he wanted me to come back in. So I have an appointment this afternoon to see if there are anymore changes. My hubby and I cannot wait to meet our little girl.
Same here!