Central Florida Babies

Daycares near WP/Maitland

Any recommendations experiences to share? Anyone been w/ the Children's Academy at Loch Haven? 
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Re: Daycares near WP/Maitland

  • My DS is cared for by my mother and MIL, so no personal experience here.  I have a coworker who has 2 children that attend there and she seems happy with them.  I also know of another aquaintence who sent both of her children there until they went to elementary school and was a very involved parent with the school....she loved it!

    I have not yet visited.  However, this is most likely where my DS will go when he is a little older.  I like the fact that you can do part time care there as well.  Good luck!

  • My DD attends Loch Haven. She loves her room and teachers. We've never had any issues with them and they seem to take very good care of all the kids.

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