Cloth Diapering

Wool vs. Fleece

I use wool at night and love it.  Does Fleece work just as good? What is the difference?

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Re: Wool vs. Fleece

  • I'm curious about this as well.  I've been making wool soakers and longies, but wonder if I should stitch up some fleece as well.
    The word you're looking for is SEX.  I promise.  No, it's not gender.  It's sex.  You're welcome.
  • I don't have an answer, but I just bought some so I'll post after we try it a couple nights.
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  • imagesecondaryPULSE:
    Wool is naturally absorbent, antimicrobial, and in some ways it's selfcleaning. Fleece is more waterrepellant. It just sort of contains the wetness inside the diaper. I don't like fleece much. It's not as breathable, gets stinky faster, and doesn't really absorb if the diaper is full.


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