Shelley - Where did you get that awesome giant panda? I love it!
Either Wal-Mart or Target. I can't remember which. It's one of those punch bag things where it tips over and comes right back up. There are balls in the bottom that move and jingle when the panda moves.
Vazee!!! What? Green ball? And duck? That is so awesome jack!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Now I am going to have those words stuck in my head all day !!!
Carolyn awwww! So cute!
Rox! Madison is gorgeous! I love her top!
Covert love the pic of you two... how adorable are you both?!
Two of my HD pic's were on Instagram so sorry for the repeats... Bath time, snack time and Startbucks time. :
Awww hello beautiful girl! GYM! I swear she get more and more adorable every day!
Re: HDBD!!!
Here is Dennis the Menace chomping on a piece of pizza. Ate the whole thing!
and here he is eating corn on the cob.
You would think all he does is eat!
Realized L and I have matching outfits...
Watching the silly dog rolling around in the grass
<img src="
Gorgeous flowers, moosey. Love the hamper pic too.
Mross, what a cutie. Now if we could just teach them to work the broom our lives would be easier
Idcoffel, that pizza is making him so happy! Now, if he could come to my house and show G how good regular food is.
Carolyn, love love love that picture of the two of you. Such pretty ladies.
G learned how to say Boo! last week. She was poking her head in and out of the box saying BOO! over and over.
I don't know about you guys, but I think we have the best looking babies on the ENTIRE PLANET. Yes, I said it!
I'm going to AW my baby genius with some videos today:
SSHHHHHH!!!!! It's quiet time.
At the park:
Madison making her 'stink face' it's the same one her daddy makes! Haha... Oh they are twins!
Moosey: What a sweet H and D is as cute as ever!
Idcoffel: Love the cow lick! I always ask Carter how a cow got in is bed to like his head
MRoss: I love the trike picture!
Carolyn: Y'all are so cute!
Mnewlee: I lol'd about the Boo
Valzee: What a smart little guy you have!
Shelley: I wish we could have quite time
Rox: M is just so adorable!
And now for mine! We went to the pumpkin patch we've been going to for about 15 years and had so much fun
Then and now. by hlaine80, on Flickr
"Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing."
~Dr. Suess
Either Wal-Mart or Target. I can't remember which. It's one of those punch bag things where it tips over and comes right back up. There are balls in the bottom that move and jingle when the panda moves.
Carolyn awwww! So cute!
Rox! Madison is gorgeous! I love her top!
I love seeing all of the babies every week! It is definitely an indisputable fact that we have the most adorable group of babies on TB!
R is eating some Blueberry Pancake Muffins that I made on Sunday
So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"
Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards
I know, I can hardly believe it! I keep making him repeat it over and over because I'm sure I'm just hearing things.
Taking a hayride at the pumpkin patch. The "farm" dog rode with us. She wasn't sure how to act at first!
M picked her pumpkin. Trying to pick it up!
She was supposed to make the same face. She did, but right before I snapped the picture she smiled. I guess she didn't wanna be a goofball like Mommy.
Covert - love the pic of you two... how adorable are you both?!
Two of my HD pic's were on Instagram - so sorry for the repeats... Bath time, snack time and Startbucks time. :-)
Awww hello beautiful girl! GYM! I swear she get more and more adorable every day!