Do u mind if I ask what type of work u do? I was just reading the responses to the preschool poll. I would love to earn $ while my girls are in school (rather than spending it at Target) but they only go 6 hours/week. I did a little freelance writing and some mystery shopping but there hasnt been much opportunity. I'm hoping to find something more when they're in kindergarten. Just curious what type of work those do? Thanks
Re: S/O: Those who work while the kids are in school...
I do writing and reporting for my former trade press employer. I didn't find this job by looking for it; my old boss contacted me to see if I was interested.
I have to commit 20 hours a week, and the only way I'm able to do phone interviews professionally is to have someone here taking care of them while I work. So I have to pay for childcare.
Which means the jury is still out on whether I actually make money or just break even. But after four years as a SAHM, DH and I decided that as long as we broke even, it was too good an opportunity to pass up. I get back into the workforce, build up my resume and clip portfolio again, and still have afternoons with my girls. It's a good long-term decision even if it's not very profitable in the short-term.
Once DD1 is in kindy and DD2 is in preschool, I may even go from breaking even to making money.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
I work 30 hours a week in Human Resources. I work three days a week from 8-3 while the older boys are in school (preschooler is home with the nanny). The other two days I work remotely while LO is in school for 2.5 hours. I also put in a couple of hours in the evening to get to 30.
My boss has been amazingly flexible with my schedule (but I had to quit in order for her to be receptive and keep me on).
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Academic adminstration. DS is in the after school program also, which includes (for a fee :-) a Spanish class.
When I was a SAHM, I found very few professional jobs that would accomodate a 6 hour a week work schedule.