Will you take them trick or treating? I just had a discussion with my SO about how he thinks since it's on a week day we won't take T trick or treating. I really want to, but I also have no idea what we would do with the candy b/c there is no way she's getting any of it and I sure as heck don't want it in our house.
She's not in daycare, preschool or any kind of MDO, so she this would be her only time to dress up. Which I've got a GREAT idea for a costume and really want to use it
Re: If your child is under 2
I'm eating her candy
I plan to take DS (22 mo) trick or treating. He went last year too. Granted last year he only went to 2 doors, sat in the wagon the rest of the time. We go with our friends who have older kids (4-5). The kids only go around one block, then we go back to friend's house and hang out.
I will give DS a few pieces of candy. Probably leave the rest with the older kids or eat it myself.
Give the kid a Tootsie Roll! I mean... really... 1 piece of candy on Halloween? Come on, have a heart!
Layne-May 6, 2013
Callie-February 14, 2011
I agree with PP who said go with someone.
Another option is to only go to four or five houses - friends, relatives, etc. She won't have the attention span or interest to ToT for a couple hours like older children. She'll probably be happier if you do 3 rather than 30 houses.
This exactly.
This sounds like a great idea. I'll going to my mil's and go to a few houses that know her. I'll send the candy with dh to take to work. I will probably give in and let her have once piece to prove I DO have a heart!
EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves
Yes, we are taking the kids ToT'ing this year. We went last year when DS was 1.5 and DD was 9 months and DS had a ball. He loved going to people's houses and seeing the decorations. We didn't ToT for very long--we visited my parents/grandparents houses to see the kids dressed up and walked around the block/went to a few of their neighbor's houses.
We did let him have some of the candy--we saved stuff like mini hershey bars/twic and reese's PB cups for him--stuff that wasn't any sort of choking hazard. The rest DH and I ate or sent to work. We'll do something similar this year for DD. I wouldn't take my kid if they wouldn't be allowed to eat ANY candy at all--that's pretty harsh and a waste of people's candy.
When Annalise was under 2, we went to a couple neighbors houses that we knew. Charlotte has gone every year just because she has a big sister. She didn't have a bucket until last year.
Our town's ToT time is Sat from 6-8pm. It's never on Halloween, unless Halloween falls on a Sat I suppose.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
We plan to take her to the 5 houses on our street where we know the neighbors, mostly just to show her off. Basically the same thing we did last year, except this year we'll let her accept the candy. She can have a piece or two, it won't kill her. We'll do that early so we can then turn around and be at our house to hand out candy.
We also bought tickets to Boo at the Zoo, which should be fun.
BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10
BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
Yes, we're taking DD trick or treating.
DH and I will be eating her candy.
People in our neighborhood don't ToT. They do have a kids event with ToTing the weekend before, and we will go to that. I will eat some of her candy, her father will eat some, and she will eat a little.
Some of you are heartless souls! Toting & candy isn't the debil, have some fun!
Me too! I'm pretty excited.
^ My plans as well.
Absolutely will be taking her. Both my kids went out on their first Halloween too, obv no candy then. I don't understand not taking them if your neighborhood does it and you have someone to hand out candy..its a kids holiday! We hand out candy and then little things like tattoos, stickers, bounce balls for the younger crowd. I can't imagine not doing it.
We are.
My daughter LOVES going for walks outside and carrying her bucket with her--like a purse. We will probably only go to about 3 or so houses, and maybe head to grandparents to show off her costume