I have been a horror movie fanatic since I was a little kid. That said, "scary" movies don't really scare me. My top two are Poltergeist and Pet Sematary. The movies that freak me out are the ones that could happen in real life, like the original last House on the Left. I haven't seen the remake but there's no way it's as disturbing as the original. Other real-ish movies are the ones about hill people, like The Hills Have Eyes or that Rob Zombie one. Or the one where they're in that cabin in the woods and this group of freak just torture them and kill them.
I have been a horror movie fanatic since I was a little kid. That said, "scary" movies don't really scare me. My top two are Poltergeist and Pet Sematary. The movies that freak me out are the ones that could happen in real life, like the original last House on the Left. I haven't seen the remake but there's no way it's as disturbing as the original. Other real-ish movies are the ones about hill people, like The Hills Have Eyes or that Rob Zombie one. Or the one where they're in that cabin in the woods and this group of freak just torture them and kill them.
Those are the ones that scare me too. Anything where I can be captured and tortured gets me. Ghosts don't sppok me because i don't believe in them, but a psycho breaking into my home, oh hell yeah! Strangers was another one that gave me the creeps.
The scariest ones are likely the ones I won't watch, like The Strangers, Funny Games, Last House on the Left, etc.... Real life psychopaths are no fun and v. bad.
My favorite horror films? Halloween (the original, Rob Zombie can DIAF, John Carpenter is amazeballs), The Thing. The Descent is pretty disturbing, but it's the opening and closing scenes that frighten me, not the monsters in the middle.
My sister and I are having our annual Halloween movie day this Friday. We will be viewing Halloween, Watcher in the Woods, The Monster Squad, The Cabin in the Woods, and a few titles TBD.
Old Boy is pretty freaky and the premise of Hostel creeps me out.
MH loves scary movies more than any other kind of movie and he wouldn't let me watch this movie after he saw it. I think it's the only scary movie he has ever actually gotten freaked out by.
I'm a big baby and can't watch any scary movie. I watch between my fingers or close my eyes. Seriously huge weenie over here.
The Last House on the Left and Hostile really, really left me feeling disturbed. I can't handle rape and violence like that.
I find most other scary movies to be hilarious. I laughed excessively during Paranormal Activity. I didn't like the Exorcist at all.
The Sixth Sense was probably the best "scary" movie I've ever seen to this day. I wish I could watch it for the first time all over again.
Someone told me the ending only weeks after it was released and I never got to experience the aha moment at the end. It still makes me mad that a good movie was ruined for me.
I think the movie that disturbed me the most was Deliverance. I can not handle graphic rape and particularly male rape. I was watching with guy I was dating and made him turn it off.
I enjoy scary movies like the Ring, the Grudge, etc.
I can't watch movies where families or children are targeted anymore. It's too personal. I just see DD.
ETA: Oh, I also can't watch zombie movies. But I don't consider those scary, really, I just HATE the living dead. It grosses and freaks me out. If you're dead, just stay dead, mmkay? Thanks.
Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
White Noise (yeah, yeah, laugh it up; it freaked me the eff out)
OMG that movie made me jump so much.
True Story: I watched it with MH when we were first dating and we were at his parent's house visiting. It was maybe the 3rd time I had met them. Anyways I was drinking wine and something happened and I jumped and screamed and spilled red wine all over their couch. So embarrassing.
I try to avoid scary movies as much as possible because I don't like them at all. That being said, the few scenes from the Saw movies that I watched freaked me out.
Saw isn't scary!
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Really, though, the scariest movies for me are documentaries about real things that have happened that are awful. Those really do haunt me and keep me awake at night.
Most "intentionally" scary movies don't do much for me.
White Noise (yeah, yeah, laugh it up; it freaked me the eff out)
OMG that movie made me jump so much.
True Story: I watched it with MH when we were first dating and we were at his parent's house visiting. It was maybe the 3rd time I had met them. Anyways I was drinking wine and something happened and I jumped and screamed and spilled red wine all over their couch. So embarrassing.
LOL! DH and I saw this movie in the theater when we were dating. I held his hand so tightly, I think I cut off his circulation.
Really, though, the scariest movies for me are documentaries about real things that have happened that are awful. Those really do haunt me and keep me awake at night.
Most "intentionally" scary movies don't do much for me.
Which is why I couldn't handle Paranormal Activity. *shudders*
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Really, though, the scariest movies for me are documentaries about real things that have happened that are awful. Those really do haunt me and keep me awake at night.
Most "intentionally" scary movies don't do much for me.
Which is why I couldn't handle Paranormal Activity. *shudders*
Same here. I mean, I like scary movies, but most of them don't have an effect on me the way this one (and a few others) did.
The scariest ones are likely the ones I won't watch, like The Strangers, Funny Games, Last House on the Left, etc.... Real life psychopaths are no fun and v. bad.
This was one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. It left me feeling weird for days! (The Naomi Watts one, I've never seen the original.) Michael Pitt is a creepy mofo.
The ending of the movie The Mist was really creepy too, although the rest of the movie kind of sucked.
Random trivia: Ever since the release of Poltergeist, the lion's roar sound used in the MGM intro is actually the roar made by the white monster on the door in that movie.
Random trivia: Ever since the release of Poltergeist, the lion's roar sound used in the MGM intro is actually the roar made by the white monster on the door in that movie.
Great. Now I can't watch MGM movies. Thanks, KJ.
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I've always loved scary movies - but since DD I've become a huge wuss and can't watch anything with kids. This bums me out sometimes because Insidious looked right up my ally.
I like subtle - so I've always liked The Ring and Blair Witch and I liked the first Paranormal (didn't see the second one, because kids)
Different movies have been 'the scariest" depending on what phase of life I was in. I saw Blair Witch early (pre all the hype) and was climbing up my theater seat.
Random trivia: Ever since the release of Poltergeist, the lion's roar sound used in the MGM intro is actually the roar made by the white monster on the door in that movie.
Random trivia: Ever since the release of Poltergeist, the lion's roar sound used in the MGM intro is actually the roar made by the white monster on the door in that movie.
Great. Now I can't watch MGM movies. Thanks, KJ.
Sorry. And I was almost stupid enough to PIP that monster here. That shiit scarred me for life, I think.
There's this Japanese horror flick that creeped me out pretty big time - Audition. I still shudder at the thought of one scene in particular - like I will never get it out of my head.
Funny Games also made me feel weird for a couple of days, it was just disturbing.
I remember being freaked out by Phantasm as a kid. Along with the classics Exorcist & The Shining - my sister & I watched them all when we were pretty young.
Yeah Audition is on my "no way in hell" list.
Since my post-baby wussiness, I now enjoy horror movie reviews and those "100 Scariest Movie Moments" montages on A&E instead of the actual movies.
Re: Poll: Scariest movie
The way the Ring girl came out of the tv was pretty creepy. I wasn't a fan of Paranormal Activity though. The last scene was ok.
WTF, eath=watch.
Joy Ride freaks me out.
Edit: as far as getting truly scared, I prefer thrillers over horror.
The scariest ones are likely the ones I won't watch, like The Strangers, Funny Games, Last House on the Left, etc.... Real life psychopaths are no fun and v. bad.
My favorite horror films? Halloween (the original, Rob Zombie can DIAF, John Carpenter is amazeballs), The Thing. The Descent is pretty disturbing, but it's the opening and closing scenes that frighten me, not the monsters in the middle.
My sister and I are having our annual Halloween movie day this Friday. We will be viewing Halloween, Watcher in the Woods, The Monster Squad, The Cabin in the Woods, and a few titles TBD.
MH loves scary movies more than any other kind of movie and he wouldn't let me watch this movie after he saw it. I think it's the only scary movie he has ever actually gotten freaked out by.
I'm a big baby and can't watch any scary movie. I watch between my fingers or close my eyes. Seriously huge weenie over here.
OMG! I forgot this one!
Someone told me the ending only weeks after it was released and I never got to experience the aha moment at the end. It still makes me mad that a good movie was ruined for me.
The first Paranormal Activity (wasn't impressed with any of the sequels)
The Ring
White Noise (yeah, yeah, laugh it up; it freaked me the eff out)
I think the movie that disturbed me the most was Deliverance. I can not handle graphic rape and particularly male rape. I was watching with guy I was dating and made him turn it off.
I enjoy scary movies like the Ring, the Grudge, etc.
I can't watch movies where families or children are targeted anymore. It's too personal. I just see DD.
ETA: Oh, I also can't watch zombie movies. But I don't consider those scary, really, I just HATE the living dead. It grosses and freaks me out. If you're dead, just stay dead, mmkay? Thanks.
OMG that movie made me jump so much.
True Story: I watched it with MH when we were first dating and we were at his parent's house visiting. It was maybe the 3rd time I had met them. Anyways I was drinking wine and something happened and I jumped and screamed and spilled red wine all over their couch. So embarrassing.
Really, though, the scariest movies for me are documentaries about real things that have happened that are awful. Those really do haunt me and keep me awake at night.
Most "intentionally" scary movies don't do much for me.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
LOL! DH and I saw this movie in the theater when we were dating. I held his hand so tightly, I think I cut off his circulation.
Same here. I mean, I like scary movies, but most of them don't have an effect on me the way this one (and a few others) did.
This was one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. It left me feeling weird for days! (The Naomi Watts one, I've never seen the original.) Michael Pitt is a creepy mofo.
The ending of the movie The Mist was really creepy too, although the rest of the movie kind of sucked.
I'd completely forgotten about that movie! I saw it when I was really young, was it supposed to be as creepy as it was? I did not like it.
It's only rated PG actually.
You'd think having a scene where a guy peels off his face would be an automatic PG-13. lol
Random trivia: Ever since the release of Poltergeist, the lion's roar sound used in the MGM intro is actually the roar made by the white monster on the door in that movie.
Great. Now I can't watch MGM movies. Thanks, KJ.
I've always loved scary movies - but since DD I've become a huge wuss and can't watch anything with kids. This bums me out sometimes because Insidious looked right up my ally.
I like subtle - so I've always liked The Ring and Blair Witch and I liked the first Paranormal (didn't see the second one, because kids)
Different movies have been 'the scariest" depending on what phase of life I was in. I saw Blair Witch early (pre all the hype) and was climbing up my theater seat.
Oh, the remake of Hills Have Eyes irked me
That's cool. I didn't know that.
Sorry. And I was almost stupid enough to PIP that monster here. That shiit scarred me for life, I think.
This thread could use some creepy gifs.
Yeah Audition is on my "no way in hell" list.
Since my post-baby wussiness, I now enjoy horror movie reviews and those "100 Scariest Movie Moments" montages on A&E instead of the actual movies.
I love a good horror movie.
Halloween - the original i try and catch every year.
I think the most horrific movie is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
and not a horror movie but Jaws made me jump out of my seat.
I still have to skip the face scene in Poltergeist but the movie itself is not the most scary.
The Exorcist (original, no remakes)
The Shining (original, no remakes)
The Collector - awesome movie
The Hills have Eyes (the second one sucked)
Silence of the Lambs
Taking Lives
The Others
I freaking LOVE scary movies!