
Foster Update

I feel like I have been MIA forever. We are going on a month with our 2nd placement. I have to say going from 1 baby to 2 was a HUGE adjustment. Luckily we tag team at night and we each pick a baby. It is getting better. I feel like I can maybe function in society soon...LOL

One tip to future FP. Do NOT under estimate the amount of appointments these kids will have. We only had our first FS for about 15 or so days so we didn't realize all the appointments and now we have double that. I do not recall learning about these in training. 

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Re: Foster Update

  • Oh I completely agree with you!  Our little guys have TONS of appointments.  And then when you add in our appointments (court, team meetings, GAL meetings, etc.) that the boys can't attend, I fill like our entire calendar is full before we can put anything fun on it!

    We are on month #4 with our two little guys and I've had the feeling that we are "almost" in the groove for the past month.  We aren't there yet, but we are really close!  I just want to feel like I have my act together by the end of the year!  Ha!

  • That is really good to know, I'm glad that you're tag-teaming and getting into a groove.  Great tip, that must be tough making all of those appointments.

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  • I'm glad you've got that "coming up for air" feeling.  It will get easier with time.  Glad to see you around!
  • Oh my gosh the appointments... They are awful!!! We did NOT learn about them in training either which makes me mad. When we agreed to take a newborn I thought, "can I handle a newborn with a 12 month old and a 3 yo?" THEN they sprang on us she had 5 visits a week!!! Seriously awful. We would never have said yes. Well live and learn.
    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • imageMayDayGirl:
    Oh my gosh the appointments... They are awful!!! We did NOT learn about them in training either which makes me mad. When we agreed to take a newborn I thought, "can I handle a newborn with a 12 month old and a 3 yo?" THEN they sprang on us she had 5 visits a week!!! Seriously awful. We would never have said yes. Well live and learn.

    5 visits a week!!!!  That is crazy!  I would have gone insane!

  • Yeah, it's a dirty little secret they keep from us.

    We have already decided once one of the boys leaves we will probably stick to one at a time. Unless a sibling group. We both work FT and I do have flexibility but with 2 going in 2 different directions it's just too many things. DH's boss is a dill weed so he cannot help much.

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