Maryland Babies


Last winter/spring we would put DS in a sleeper and sleep sack at night. He didn't need them over the summer, but we just started putting them back on him. The ones we have just barely still fit and I was going to get some bigger ones, possibly with foot holes, but I'm not sure. He's all over the place in the crib so I can't imagine how a normal blanket would ever stay on him.

So my question is, do/did you put blankets on your young toddler and at what age? Did you use sleep sacks instead?

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BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
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Re: Blankets?

  • I used them with DS1 until well after his 2nd birthday if I recall. I ordered the big fleece ones with the foot holes in them. He wouldn't keep a regular blanket on himself at night.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • We just used the Footie PJs.
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  • We have blankets in Kieran's crib.  He doesn't always keep them on, but he knows how to put them on, and he will sometimes, so I'm not worried about him getting cold.  He moves a ton too.  Sometimes I will put the blanket on him before I go to sleep.  Our house doesn't get super cold and if it's a cooler night I do warmer jammies.  Fleece vs. cotton.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • We didn't start blankets until DD was 16 or 17 months old, because she turned 1 in the beginning of May and then all summer she didn't need blankets. I probably would have started using them earlier if needed though. I figure once they can move a blanket off their face, they're good to sleep with them on.

    DD1 is weird though because she likes sleeping with her favorite blanket over her face. When she was younger, I'd always go in and move it, then it would end up back there anyhow. DH convinced me to stop worrying about it because she was doing it to herself. She still does it to this day.
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  • I don't really remember anymore, but I think we switched to footie PJs the winter DD was 1.  She normally slept w/ a blanket in her crib too, but that was more for comfort than anything else.  She'd been sleeping out of sleep sack since she was 6ish month old, and she was fine rolling as needed. 
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I still use a sleep sack with DS.  He's also a big mover at night so I know a blanket would never stay on and he's fine with the sleep sack.  I'm not sure when we'll transition to a blanket.
  • Right now I have B in fleece footie pjs to keep he warm. I put a blanket in there too but it doesn't stay on her. I'm going to look into the toddler sleep sacks for this winter.
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  • We use footie jammies and Lilly does sleep with a blanket although she likes to ball it up and sleep on top of it.  She doesn't seem to complain she's cold. 
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  • Thanks for all the suggestions! I ordered a fleece sleep sack with foot holes. I wish there was a cotton one, but I couldn't find one. I am probably worrying too much as usual!

    BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
    BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
    BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
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    BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
    BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
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    My Blog: Decorate This
  • You can order the Halo cotton X-large. I kept my son (and still do) in a sleep sack. We tried footie PJs, but he is always so hot in those things. He just turned two and we are still using a cotton X-large sleep sack. I bought the fleece one with the foot holes (which can still be used like a regular sleep sack) for this winter, but we have not used it yet. DS is very tall...36 inches and he has plenty of room still in the cotton x-large. I bought mine from Kohls and used a 30% coupon...great deal!

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  • I use blankets for Claire, but we only started doing so in the past few weeks.  She will sometimes kick them off, but she also sleeps in fleece footsies, so she's still warm.
    Laura & Jim ~ July 10, 2004
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  • Great post...  I have been using footed PJ's but I have been thinking he's cold and was worrying.  A blanket would never work since he likes to do laps around his crib at night and doesn't stay in one place.  
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  • DS is 19 months now and we just started using a blanket.  We just drape it over his lower half and by the time he rolls around it falls off anyway.  I still plan on using footie PJS in the winter.

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