Cloth Diapering

I SO want to be on the CD train

I really really want to be on board with CDing right now but my issue is the upfront expense. We have the money but DH is our main source of income right now and he is so skeptical of CDs even after showing him the cost savings we would make. Where can I buy good quality cheap CDs either used or new? I'm also looking to stay with fitteds cuz of all the types we tried those worked best for our lifestyle. I should also add that I suck at sewing or else I'd try making my own. I can't even sew on a button without it immediately falling off LOL. Does eBay tend to have some of the better deals?

I want to CD sooo bad!!!

Re: I SO want to be on the CD train

  • If you're looking to only use fitteds, check out the Imagine brand at Nicki's Diapers. Very inexpensive!
    BFP #1: 3.28.11 Dx w/ PIH @ 24w DS Born @ 36w: 11.7.11 6 Days in NICU
    BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17

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  • I notice your LO is still quite young.  Fitteds are honestly going to be the most expensive option.  I'll bet one-size pockets and covers will fit very soon, and that will be a good investment to get you through toddlerhood.  Covers and prefolds are probably your cheapest option, and many people love that route (including me!).
  • If cost is an issue, ditto Alvas. They're pockets, but honestly... fitteds aren't really a necessity and they're often the most costly diaper type.

    I'd get 8 of those and 1-2 of whatever fitted you like. Then wash every night and buy a new diaper for every week or two you don't have to buy sposies until you have the stash you want.

  • The cloth diaper stores in my town have trial rental offers for a week or two to try things out!

    Eta: oops, sorry. Reread and see that you have already tried them.
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Green mountain diapers has sample fittedsclothese workhouse for 9.50 and they include a doubler. You can buy them without the doubler for 5. They also have a fitted that costs around 7 those they have in three colors with velcro closurecolors are brown green and white. I just got both these fitteds in the mail. The brown ones are thick and the workhouse ones are nice and thin even with the doublerI haven't tried them on a baby

    Nickis diapers also has imagine fitteds on sale for 10.
    IAmPregnant Ticker}


    + OPK July 6, 2011 IUI with anonymous donor sperm July 7, 2011 BFP July 21, 2011 Baby Girl Harper born via emergency C-section 3/22/12!
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